Chuck Norris claims thousands of right wing cell groups exist and will rebel against


Damn Christians!
Aug 15, 2006
Boyton, WPB, FL
. . . the U.S. government. :lol:

The call by some right wing leaders for rebellion and for the military to refuse the commander in chief’s orders is joined by Chuck Norris who claims that thousands of right wing cell groups have organized and are ready for a second American Revolution. During an appearance on the Glen Beck radio show he promised that if things get any worse from his point of view he may “run for president of Texas.” The martial artist/actor/activist claims that Texas was never formally a part of the United States in the first place and that if rebellion is to come through secession Texas would lead the way.
shit, i'd pack up and move back to texas in a heartbeat for Walker, Texas Ranger. hell, the only reason Texas joined the Union was cuz they kept buggin' us about it all the time until we got sick of it.

<insert random chuck norris fact here> :worship:

Whats crazy is Chuck does not realize that long ago his DNA was extracted, and used to create a super clone army know as the Norrisie. The government will use these Chuck warriors against the American citizenry in an effort to stifle decent and institute martial law.