Chunk! No Captain, Chunk!

Im happy happy happy singling in a major key.....

:lol: definitely not major.

Can't comment on the production as I'm just on laptop speakers at the moment, but this sounds kinda fun. Cheesy and generic and way too French, but some of the riffs are cool and the song is decently catchy.

Would rather listen to this than 99% of metal these days.
:lol: definitely not major.

Can't comment on the production as I'm just on laptop speakers at the moment, but this sounds kinda fun. Cheesy and generic and way too French, but some of the riffs are cool and the song is decently catchy.

Would rather listen to this than 99% of metal these days.

Your band is having way to much influence on you

Come back to the dark side ;)
I've seen the Goonies like once (and didn't like it)..

Does not compute.

ah, metal is infested by this kind of american high school rock bands. pre-puberty vocals, autotune, machinegun drums, lyrics about girls and beer parties and skateboard fails, etc... so how many bands like this are out there? 1000? 10000? 100000? it is good though I permits really great bands to emerge and be visible lol.:devil:

I might be subjective, but I personally don't dig neither the band, neither the sound, neither the trend.

Nicely put. Its not the production, I can get over it. Its just the vibe - fucking lamest bullshit I've ever heard in all honesty. I guess I'm a cynic too...
Dude come on we all like Joey, the bands he produces just suck. Let him make his money!

(and yes I know this is not a Sturgis Production, but its right up his

I wasn't having a dig at anything Joey does :)

Im just saying this writing 'style' is god awful and isn't to my particular taste.
I thought the idea behind playing pop-punk tuned down to A# was kind of funny. But at least make the guitars sound crushing if you are going to do that, the guitar tone sounds like fucking cardboard.
It's also one of the worst Soldano tones I've ever heard.

Oh god, that tone is horrible. They should get rid of the U87 and get PodFarm instead ;

I thought the idea behind playing pop-punk tuned down to A# was kind of funny. But at least make the guitars sound crushing if you are going to do that, the guitar tone sounds like fucking cardboard.

Ermz, you must not have heard the tone i got when reamping with a Soldano earlier this year:lol:

The tone is not THAT bad. Geez guys hahaha.
I actually like the tone... but this is bullshit though... seriously, what the fuck is this shit. I only love to read this threads because Ryan ships in always digging these bands contrasting a bit with the "oh no itz so lam0rz" comment haha.

But yeah, this sucks goats dick.
I only heard on laptop speakers, but didn't sound half bad! And honestly I think you guys are being kind of oddly biased against this band. They don't sound like the most unoriginal guys out there. Sounds like ADTR or Four Year Strong, but it's heavier and there are definitely some unique elements. I personally think it's fun music! Nothing wrong with that, that's why I like metal. It's not something I would listen to all the time, but it's not bad at all!
Ugh, and I thought A Day To Remember was bad...

What already horrible genre is metalcore going to mix with next? Techno? Oh wait...

Hey guys, remember when hardcore was hard, and actually meant something besides a quick way to getting famous?
:lol: being in a poppy metalcore band is not a quick way to get famous, and I doubt anyone in a serious one thinks it is.

Are you kidding me? This whole pop-punk/metalcore thing is the new "thing". Deathcore is finally losing attention, and it's being averted to this, with tons of these Paramore with breakdown bands coming out.
Are you kidding me? This whole pop-punk/metalcore thing is the new "thing". Deathcore is finally losing attention, and it's being averted to this, with tons of these Paramore with breakdown bands coming out.

Just because it's the new "thing" doesn't mean that 95% of the bands in the genre go no where, and those that do rarely make any sort of waves outside of a very small population of listeners. Hardly easy, and hardly famous.