Chunk! No Captain, Chunk!

when i first heard of this band i totally wrote them off as some typical high school adtr, american apparel wearing, wanna be band or something. but holy fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk im addicted. it beats the new day to remember in my books at least. fuck i like this shit.

not a huge fan of the drums though its pretty obvious they are triggered with hard hit samples.. no life to them except the overheads.

i love how the guitar is right in your face. its almost a djent type of tone.

my thoughts anyways :p
Not exactly something to be proud of but this kind of shit has been around for some years over here.

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Yeah thrice sort of start the whole Metal/punk with chorus' thing for me at least anyway. Not to mention finch blending screaming and massive chorus'.
Blew my mind when i was 15!

so my old band sort of ran with that.
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I've been trying to recreate the drums and guitar tone from the their album for a little while now with SSD and Pod Farm's metal shop. Ive gotten fairly close to the guitar, I just cant seem to get ANYWHERE near the drums. Im pretty certain the snare is a 12a combined with Kick 10. If anyone would like to help me out on this, i'd greatly appreciate it. I've got a project coming up that is asking that the drums sound close to this, if not exactly like them.