Cincinnati Setlist 2/19

Yes, yes, yes it was an awesome show. It was my first time see'em and I'm still floored at how amazing this band is. Truly one of the greats that are out there today. I've been to 60+ concerts and this show was definitely in the top 5 that I have ever seen.
Yes that was a fuckin killer show... I was up in the front row screaming my fuckin head off. Great stuff indeed. Akerfeldt loves me :), but not as much as that chick behind me... Oh, and I knew all the Manowar trivia. hahaha. God, that was one of the greatest days ever.... ... Seeing as good bands don't come around here much...
AFairJudgement0 said:
too bad... well they did play 9 tracks at all the other shows so far.. was just wondering. So it was a good show then? How were DT and DTB?
DTB was pretty good... I've never been a big Devin Townsend fan or anything and I never really understood all the hype about him, but he puts on a good show, makes funny faces and looks like crazy hobo, so I can sorta see why everyone likes him now, haha. I can't say I was a big fan of their music but the last song they played was sweet. It was the polka one. I found it quite fun.
Dark Tranquility was great, I was pleased with the tracks they chose, most of the stuff they played was their earlier material from Damage Done and The Gallery, but they played 3 tracks from Character. I really didn't like Character as an album but they made it sound pretty good live, so I'm going to have to go re-evaluate to see if I missed something when I listened to it or what not. They chose a great track to end with, too. Its probably my favorite DT song period, Final Resistance.
Zombi Epidemic said:
Not that I remember, but I was pretty fucked up by then. My friends kept buying me beers.

Get drunk and forget the concert. Thats why I pay $30 instead of going to a bar :Spin:
EternalMetal said:
Get drunk and forget the concert. Thats why I pay $30 instead of going to a bar :Spin:
Oh I wasn't too fucked up to remember the concert. I'd never get like that for Opeth, but I was feeling pretty good by the time they broke into Deliverance.
SPLASTiK said:
Unfortunately, since I think that might be my favourite song on the album :loco:

Hey SPLASTiK, I did some research and found Mike's exact reasons for his dislike of The Night and the Silent Water posted over three years ago. For the record, I absolutely love the song and the production of the album as a whole, but anyway, here goes:

I don't wanna slag off any of my/our older tunes, but with TNATSW it's different as I wrote that to my grandfather who'd passed away and it was terrible. Much like the whole recordings of the new albums was "tainted" by my grandmothers passing. This together with the fact that I don't like the production of the "Morningrise" album at all + some of the riffs for that song feels really "old" today. I liked it at the time and I still think it's a good song, but if I have to chose my least fave Opeth song then that is it.

I consider all songs a document of that time and TNATSW is no exception, but I can't really relate to that tune anymore. Lyrically it's one of those songs I just wanted to leave behind as soon as I was done, you know.

So there you have it.

Bard In The Forest said:
Yes that was a fuckin killer show... I was up in the front row screaming my fuckin head off. Great stuff indeed. Akerfeldt loves me :), but not as much as that chick behind me... Oh, and I knew all the Manowar trivia. hahaha. God, that was one of the greatest days ever.... ... Seeing as good bands don't come around here much...

DTB was pretty good... I've never been a big Devin Townsend fan or anything and I never really understood all the hype about him, but he puts on a good show, makes funny faces and looks like crazy hobo, so I can sorta see why everyone likes him now, haha. I can't say I was a big fan of their music but the last song they played was sweet. It was the polka one. I found it quite fun.
Dark Tranquility was great, I was pleased with the tracks they chose, most of the stuff they played was their earlier material from Damage Done and The Gallery, but they played 3 tracks from Character. I really didn't like Character as an album but they made it sound pretty good live, so I'm going to have to go re-evaluate to see if I missed something when I listened to it or what not. They chose a great track to end with, too. Its probably my favorite DT song period, Final Resistance.

Yes, DT rocked pretty hard. Although their sound could have been a LOT better. You couldn't hear the guitars at all, it was pretty shitty. Same thing with Opeth - first minute of Ghost of Perdition there were no vocals, and the first few songs you couldn't hear the keyboards almost at all. I don't know what was with the sound dudes at Bogarts, but I wanted to fuckin' sock 'em.
is martin lopez still injured?if yes,who plays drums now?i cannot find any information about that.
Dark One said:
So there you have it.


Thanks. I too enjoy the production, it has a lot of character and an ambiance too it, my favourite Opeth album actually. I'd kind of heard something about how he didn't like it because of the references made to his grandfather but hadn't actually read that whole thing.

JasonBecker said:
is martin lopez still injured?if yes,who plays drums now?i cannot find any information about that.

Martin Axenrot of Witchery, Bloodbath, Satanic Slaughter, and My Mom's Anus (thankyou Mikael Akerfeldt for informing me of that last one) is filling in... I'm not sure about the whereabouts of Lopez and whatever is up with him, but Axenrot sure as hell did a great fucking job.
Bard In The Forest said:
I've never been a big Devin Townsend fan or anything and I never really understood all the hype about him, but he puts on a good show, makes funny faces and looks like crazy hobo, so I can sorta see why everyone likes him now, haha.
I think the appeal for Devy lies in the fact that he is one of the most talented musicians on the planet and that the music is ALL his own. The musicians are just hired hands (outside of Strapping). His talent for writing beautiful and HUGE soundscapes is unbelievable. Not to mention the rediculous vocal harmonies that he has mastered. Did I mention that he writes and produces everything himself? Yeah, pretty sick. On top of all that, he's an awesome stage performer. New SYL record due out this summer. Damn, he's been a busy man. I really hope this tour with Opeth helps bring his non-SYL stuff into the US market.