Okay, making a brown girl blush is quite the feat
Yeah, Inviolate's noticed an uptick in our ticket sales for the 2/1 show now that it's only a couple of weeks before (7thSaviour, sorry you can't make this one, not to worry, there will be others!)

On Saturday I won't be onstage with HW, most likely -- I'll be happily bellydancing in the crowd amonst y'all -they have a few things they're planning to surprise us with, so *those* will be (one of the many) highlights of their show.
Shoutout to Pathfinder for taking the time to post Myspace bulletins about the Inviolate show -- we really appreciate it, especially since you're working so hard to get the one at the Local out there. One full weekend of face-melting metal, y'all!!