Circle reviews

the writer is a die hard amorphis fan,says in general that the first six songs are really good,but the last three spoil the image.says that if the album ended after the sixth song would be maybe the best after eclipse,talikng about joutsen period.

Strange statement. :devil:

From what I have heard Into The Abyss is a bit like Escape,
a filler, but not bad by any means. In fact it grows the more you listen to it
and whereas I first hated Escape, I thought Into The Abyss was good.

Now, Enchanted by The Moon, starts with an absolute killer intro and melancholic riff, follows by a great growling and goes to the longing chorus where Tomi's clean vocals fits the melancholic intro riff perfectly.
But once again, this is just another opinion..

A New Day? No opinions yet, other than it reminds me of Am Universum.
Now, Enchanted by The Moon, starts with an absolute killer intro and melancholic riff, follows by a great growling and goes to the longing chorus where Tomi's clean vocals fits the melancholic intro riff perfectly.

Agreed. Even if I still haven't heard a better version than the Tangra one, it's one of my favorites already. Certainly vocal-wise. Stone me for being a heretic, but IMO Hietala did a better vocal production job on TBOT than Tättärä on Circle. Only Nightbird's Song, Shades of Gray and apparently Enchanted... do Tomi's amazing vocal range fully justice, whereas TBOT has at least eight songs that render the entire Voice Of Finland competition superfluous.
Track by track review, by (German) Metal Hammer

Shades of Grey
Surprisingly tough entry: Joutsen waits in the verses with brutal vocal power, the thrilling chorus with clean vocals. A first exclamation.

Even more, as expected: Thither Flowing comfortable atmosphere, punctuated by the crack of riffing, clear, suffering voice, mid-tempo rhythm.

The Wanderer
Begins esthetic, then develops the fast track with keyboard accents, which is punctuated by dreamy intermediate parts.

Narrow Path
Idyllic home with a flute, then guitar with dramatization. Catchy piece with keyboard interlude.

Hopeless Days
Angry, somber song, which offers length and variety. The calm clear vocals and instruments are stormy in stark contrast, the main reef breaks with the handset.

Night Bird's Song
Tough Death Metal instrumentalization, in contrast, clear vocals and chorus typical dreamy atmosphere. The hardest, probably the best song of CIRCLE.

Into The Abyss

A piece in the sense of the last albums: keyboard strumming repetition with guitars, plus catchy melody and clean vocals with a slight reverb.

Enchanted By The Moon
After a kind of animal cry long midtempo tune, then sets Joutsens one growling. A gripping piece that captures his listeners immediately. Gloomy, but live-compatible track, a real hit.

A New Day
Start with acoustic guitar sounds, thematically suitable as a setting of a sunrise. In the course marked by tempo changes, the clear voice Joutsens and background vocals.

Amorphis go into a new creative phase: The atmosphere of the last album is still available, but the overall sound is harder, darker - perhaps even metallic. And this is what the Finns audibly good.
wtf... "Wind instruments appear for the first time ever in an Amorphis album" - someone should introduce this writer (or for the most part of the text, I'd rather say copy-paster) to Tuonela, Am Universum, Skyforger and The Beginning Of Times. :p

I needed to google 'wind instrument', if it's something else but no, it really meens what I thought. I was a bit confused, 'cause there is all kinds of flutes and tubes at the earlier albums...

Also, I see little of red (is this the same thing in english than in finnish) all time when someone reviews a new album and starts with "I have seen this band twice and haven't heard earlier albums properly, but this new album is *insert some review you completely can't agree a bit or have an actual mistake of facts*" The better you know the object, the more red you see. ;)

Yeah, I know reviews are one kind of an art and it's only opinion of a one critic, but they still need to think one or twice before printing it out. I can have some opinion about some band or album, but if I haven't get to know that band/album/what ever, I think what I say and where. Of cource I am just I, not a critic, but I think you get the point.
I read critics and reviews (gigs, albums, movies, theatre, what ever) very rarely, 'cause I became in a bad mood.

Ugh! :kickass:
I needed to google 'wind instrument', if it's something else but no, it really meens what I thought.

Hehe :D I had to do the same, but it really looks like the reviewer
was indeed talking about flute..

But then again Santeri did play some really old church organs which
are also considered to be wind instruments. (You can see that being
mentioned in studio part 4)
Hehe :D I had to do the same, but it really looks like the reviewer was indeed talking about flute..
Yeah, the sentence clearly refers to "Narrow Path".

But then again Santeri did play some really old church organs

Did they say in the clip that the organ was old? I only watched it once and that was half a year ago, maybe I should check again. I thought it was the organ of the church in Vallila (originally from 1931 and rebuilt in 2005, which I don't consider old), but I may be wrong. There's some of it on Hopeless Days, but without knowing, I wouldn't have identified it as a church organ.

Anyway you're right, "wind instruments" are a fairly large category and the name is not self-explanatory. Reminds me of what I had as a kid, although my mom refused to consider it a proper instrument. :devil:
@Tiiti: This is my favourite peeve in the past several years. I very seldom read reviews of anything these days for the simple reason that a considerable part of them are completely incompetent, badly written, plain stupid or obviously paid for.
It's just that every moron with basic literacy and computer knowledge can have a blog and dispense their eternal and profound wisdom. The joys of Web 2.0!
But, sadly, it is not only on the web, but increasingly in the print media, or what is left of them. I, for example, outright refuse to buy and read Bulgarian musical magazines (there's two of them of the rock/metal persuasion). Both of them are pure amateur art activities and it is quite pathetic, actually, and make me pretty sad.
Yes, I also write album reviews (I think I have done two in the past 6-7 years and only of bands I know really well) and gig reports, but very seldom, and more as a friendly favour, rather than anything else.
I simply tend to take my journalistic duties and ethics rather seriously and hate to do a halfassed job when it comes to writing and reporting. That's why I prefer to go to gigs as a fan, rather than for work.
Did they say in the clip that the organ was old?

Ops, I think I meant "oldschool". Those particular organs could be brand new,
but I still consider them to be old as in "something they had back in old days" :D

And yeah as far as I know, organs can be heard best in A New Day..
And yeah as far as I know, organs can be heard best in A New Day..

Yes, that was the first one Sande mentioned when I asked him about that organ. Oh, and I just noticed that the church named by Tomi J when mentioning the organ in the recent Soundi interview is in Tampere, whereas I only know about the recordings in Vallila (Helsinki). Maybe they used two different ones, although it's at least equally likely that he mixed up the names. Maybe the booklet will give us the missing details.
It's just that every moron with basic literacy and computer knowledge can have a blog and dispense their eternal and profound wisdom. The joys of Web 2.0!
But, sadly, it is not only on the web, but increasingly in the print media, or what is left of them. I, for example, outright refuse to buy and read Bulgarian musical magazines (there's two of them of the rock/metal persuasion). Both of them are pure amateur art activities and it is quite pathetic, actually, and make me pretty sad..

This is a big problem in many kind of arts and magazines, even main papers here in Finland.
I think bad review in paper magazine is worse that in some web blog. People who write to the magazines should be even some kind of a professional, when that moron is a critic only in her/his own blog.
And if that critic in magazine writes bad language, it is even worst.
I do my best to read only pro reviews from trusted sources. The rest just put me into writing professor mode and I already have 40 students in serious need of attention.