Circle Takes the Square

I have not heard this band, but everyone else who has, has informed me to stay far far away. So I'll stick with that for now.
Not emo. But most of you "pagan warriors" won't like them. That's why I pretty much only recommended them to J. BWD might be able to comprehend them. NAD would probably understand them to some degree. Mattcrew99 would probably be able to appreciate them.
You people make me fuckin' sick! When will you listen to me!

J.!!! I'm talking about Drowningman meets Darkthrone here!

Oh well. You'll all praise my genius-finding ability a year from now when you dickheads catch up with me.
Circle Takes The Square is pretty good. They're not a band I listen to often, but when I'm in the mood for Converge or These Arms Are Snakes, Circle Takes The Square usually isn't far behind in the playlist.
CTTS is a decent band. The only song I like is "Non-Objective Portrait of Karma." Great intro. The one thing I don't like about them is the vocals (the female backing vocals are annoying.) Also, they are not grindcore like they've deemed themselves. They do have talent though and plenty of it.