Clan UM


Halo Fetus
Sep 15, 2003
Shrewsbury, UK
Cool! Yeah, so, um. I guess what we're going to have to do first is establish the people who want to join a clan here. Why don't we open a thread purely for applications? Nah, it'd be quite informal, so that can just happen here I think.

I'm not sure how my fellow gamers have interpreted the clan thing so far, but I reckon this is a community-based clan. That is, of the three types of clan there are, the one we're going to form is based around friendliness and community instead of balls-to-the-wall hardcore tournament winnings. For one thing, I *know* i'm not good enough to be playing in the top league of any tournaments, so I know if i'm in this clan, I won't be in it because i'm l337 and i'm trying to win everything. Of course it's always great to win games, and i'm sure we can do that, but whether or not we'd make a name for ourselves as a hugely skilled clan is another matter, or at least that's how I see it. Talking in SOT has meant as far as UT2004 is concerned, the people forming the base of the UM clan have come-in through the open door of just being members of the community and having a good time with the game, so that's how i'd like to see it stay!

So yeah, I guess once we get a bunch of dedicated people, we can establish usernames, times they'd be available for playing and whatnot, the games they play (atm Counterstrike has been mentioned, but the main focus seems to be on the imminent release of UT2004) and maybe some personal stats and whatnot. Once we've got a provisional roster, we can see how it'll go on the site with the helpful hand of Tanith and we'll take it from there with possible tournament sign-ups etc.

So, I guess we could do with intros/applications to the clan here? Unless anyone else (tanith, xeno, sunlapse, int, aecliptica etc) has any major objections to the clan being open door (as in not preferring it to be a more skill-oriented clan with trialling for entry), I think we should just accept anyone who isn't a troll and who shows they're dedicated to playing the game and stuff yeah?

Well, anyhoo. My username is my username (name's dave, hi y'all =), I'll be playing UT2004 pretty much exclusively I reckon. Fave gametypes are Team Deathmatch, CTF, Double Domination, but i'd also play some Onslaught if it wasn't a lot of players (kind of a chuggy machine here =). I play every evening (GMT) pretty much and i'd be available to do that for the clan asides from individual exceptions. so...yeah!!

Post your info potential clan peeps!!
I agree with SC on the community based clan front. I'm not dedicated enough to be playing in big tournaments and whatnot, i'd rather it be more of a casual thing.

One thing I would be interested in is a clanserver. I hear they're pretty cheap these days, so i'll certainly look into it. A UM Clanserver would r0x0r, though maybe I am getting a little ahead of myself.


I'd like to see some suggestions for alternative games (I know not everyone has a machine capable of running UT2004 :D ) and i'd also like to see who is interested in joining, and I'll get to work on a clan roster for the site ^^
everything sounds great to me.

alternative game suggestion:

HALO! more people need Halo, probably the best multiplayer i've played. and i'm damn good at it too. (although i hope my skills haven't worn off, i haven't played it in a bit)

anyway UT2k4 is coming out any day now (tomorrow, i hope).... and its definately gonna be "The Big One".
Id be definately up for the clan, being into tournaments and all..even just if it goes to being friendly based, the names chris btw.

it would really be sweet if we could al pull this off
I created a graphic... I can make one for anyone interested. :loco:

A friendly-based clan would definitely be better than a skill-based one, yes, otherwise I'm out. ;)
Okay guys, I need your UT2004 screen names as they'll be on the server please...

And I like the [brackets] better :p

But we should vote...
xeno- SculptedCold, as always! or =UM=SculptedCold, either or.

For potential clanners, to save time/space effort, and if we're going to be using '=UM=' as the tag, in your user.ini in the system directory (for either demo or full game), use the wildcard function to automatically find and add any people with =UM= in their name as buddies.

in the area quoted below (about 2/3 down in the file), add lines in the format of those highlighted in bold;



Use however many Buddies= lines you want (no more than neccessary though obviously =), the wildcard is the asterix after the clan-tag, but you can also use it to specify a player name that could have variable tags. E.G., if I sometimes played as either SculptedCold or =UM=SculptedCold, you could put in your user.ini Buddies=*SculptedCold which would wildcard following terms and show me in the buddies list regardless of what tag I have. (so long as it is a prefix anyway.)

It seems to me that the UM clan (for UT2k4 anyway) is garnering a lot of interest so far!!! Good stuff. :headbang: