ClanDestined Riff (Clip Inside)

Matt Smith

Jun 11, 2004
Athens, GA
Wow, I finally got 4 tracks of rhythm to sound good (anytime I've tried before, it's sounded phasey and weird to me). I recorded that ClanDestined riff that Andy posted the Krank clip of (yeah, I know the original was tuned down). 2 tracks of Krank and 2 tracks of 5150. :hotjump:

Check it out here.

Sorry for the clipping in a couple of spots...I was too excited to gain stage correctly I guess. :D
sounds great as usual matt, for me though it's a little easier to judge gat in context for some reason,

if all the supporting sounds were as good as that (and played as well) you'd have some killer production :headbang:
Genius Gone Insane said:
Damn sounds hella good.

Okay, its time to go to sleep... I read that 3 times and saw "Drums sounds hella good" and listened ot the clip twice trying to find out where the drums were..

Sounds good though Matt.