Classic, widely known and useful "Qué toy cushando" (aka NP Thread)

|ngenius said:
I felt certainly uncomfortable writting here, lately, that's why I stopped posting that regularly.


I think it would be (proper and) better for all of us to explain us what exactly made you feel uncomfortable...i think it's better to discuss it instead of letting others imagining stuff... this way we will also be able to find a solutio for whichever think may had annoyed you... (i suspect sth,but i'd like to understand a bit better why)
i'm sorry,maybe i-m strange,but i can't take being in a place where the "atmosphere" feels so strange lately :(

toy cushando decir estoy en la biblioteca de mi universidad navegando un gratis y seria una pena no aprovechar la oportunidad ahora que no hay nada de gente!

/lallala stupidly amused troll
As I already said, I'm in love with the new album Enchant recently released, and I find particularly touching the song "Beautiful". It isn't strictly related, but while chatting with my friends FV and Mel these days I found certain similarity between the lyrics and the subjects we were discussing about. The song is a bit more dramatic, though, but it is very, very curious, in my opinion. :)
