Classical music and opera (& parking fines)


Pillock of society
Apr 16, 2001
My grandad left behind a shitload of music when he passed on a couple of years ago, the vast majority of it being opera or classical of another sort. I'm sure I'd like a fair bit of it, but don't know where to start. Can anyone recommend anything? Whatever it is, he's probably got it somewhere.

On another topic, I got a $102 parking fine today. Is there any way I can get out of it? Probably not, but I'd like to hear if there is. It's come at a very bad time....
If you were parked somewhere that you shouldn't have been. No.

However...parking fines are bugger all in the grand scheme of things. You can leave them for months and months before paying them. They will send you reminders and eventually notices to take legal action, but that takes aaaaaaages.

I got parking fines a few times when I was at uni a couple of years ago because the uni had really fucked parking facilities so I parked on the street wherever I could...and I left them for sooo long before paying them. So dont fret.
Anything by Wagner is great, especially Siegfried Idyll, you could also try listening to the entirety of The Ring of the Nibelung. If you can sit still for 15 hours.:)

I also particularly like Franz Joseph Haydn, try and get hold of his "paris symphonies".

Edward Elgar too, Symphony No. 1 / The Imperial March is a goodun.

I really like the romantic era of classical.
Ah I might hold off paying then! It says I'm meant to pay within 28 days - does that really mean anything?

Thanks Koich, I'll have to have a search for those you mentioned.

Keep the suggestions coming, people.
Not on a parking fine they dont.

Thats only for traffic offences like failing to stop at a red light etc where the ticket is issued by the police. Parking fines are issued by the council and/or where ever you're parked (eg - the uni's give out their own in their own parking areas) but parking fines given out on the street are done by council. There may be a small late fee...its been a while since I had an overdue parking fine.

I've been in both situations.

1. Parked in a no standing zone. Ticket...reminder...reminder...reminder...notice of intent to start legal action...payed.

2. Failed to stop at red light. Ticket...reminder...reminder...notice to suspend licence if payment not made...In that instance I called the place and arranged to pay the fine off in fortnightly installments :)
Koich is right, Wagner is possibly the most "metal" classical composer going. Hus stuff is big and loud. I also really like Schubert's Death and the Maiden, and Beethoven's 5th and 9th symphonies you'll already be at lest partially familiar with. Moussorgsky's Night on Bald Mountain is also pretty good. Prokofiev is also pretty good if you're looking for something nice and light.

Oh, and Holst's Planets suite is also excellent.
salty said:
Not on a parking fine they dont.

Thats only for traffic offences like failing to stop at a red light etc where the ticket is issued by the police. Parking fines are issued by the council and/or where ever you're parked (eg - the uni's give out their own in their own parking areas) but parking fines given out on the street are done by council. There may be a small late fee...its been a while since I had an overdue parking fine.

Well in the ACT they do, I sorta assumed it was a nationwide thing.
Its amazing how much Classical music you know, you just dont know the names of it :worship:
The license suspension thing happens in NSW too. That's how Xena lost her license.

Is there anything from the Baroque era in your classical collection Winmar? Anything Russian is usually pretty good also. Tschaikovsky and the guy who wrote 'Night on Bald Mountain'. Also 'Danse Macabre' is awesome.