Dark classical music

Barber's Adagio actually is the second mvt from his string quartet I believe...he was so enamored with his ideas he then rewrote it for a whole string section...the quartet is quite good as well if you can find it.

Did I mention - Maurice Ravel "Gaspard de la Nuit"? :) See my above post. Actually it would be cool if some people would check it out and post what they think...that kind of genius is unsurpassed.
Originally posted by ControlledChaos
Did I mention - Maurice Ravel "Gaspard de la Nuit"? :) See my above post. Actually it would be cool if some people would check it out and post what they think...that kind of genius is unsurpassed.

well i DID copy your post into a word document of classical stuff i´m hoping to check out sometime..
if i get to london this summer, i´ll print it all out and try to find some jolly nice cds ;)
i wish that i had more money than i do right now, cos i wouldnt just be buying metal cds, i would be buying lots of classical ,, i dont have a massive knowledge of it, but i do like a lot that ive heard over the years, i was kinda brought up on some of it, cos my parents are listeners..

hey eydis, you on about coming over to london? .. that would be ace!
Therions O Fortuna is very lame, the drums are just all wrong, absolutely horrible in fact, the production muffles the power of the chorus, and they needed more singers in the choir, 13 just doesnt cut it for Carmina Burana. I thought they would try something fresh, but this song just sucks. I do rather like Therion though. I always thought Barbers adagio for strings is very dark, also how about Benjamin Britten, I saw the opera, The Turn of the Screw with my girlfriend a few years ago it was very very dark, but I guess Britten is an aqcuired tatse