Classics Reborn

Haha this just gets better as time goes on. Firstly MI making deal out of something falsifying stuff is laughable, but the way they talk about what this guy did is almost like they got burnt themselves. Seems MetalSucks did a lot of the work looking into this guy, which surprises me because they are worse than MI when it comes to spreading BS. But the more I read the more I laugh at all these dumb pricks that fell so such a great trick. I laughed even harder when I watched the video clip!
Hahahaha!!! Wow! If only he put that much effort into actually being a band! That song is atrocious! But I say give him a medal for a great scam lol
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Oh yeah I reckon the guy deserves a record contract just for the effort. I wouldn't buy his shit but he's scammed the venues in the UK good and proper he may as well scam the record labels as well.
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I think politics every where is headed the way America is. We all have similar problems. The scale is obviously different and the words are different but it seems everything is done to extreme levels these days. I know Axl has been vocal about Trump since he came to power and that's fine everyone is allowed to have an opinion and no one should be kicked for having an opinion, the world would be a fucked place if we all agreed with everything. But that doesn't mean I agree with what Axl says or how he says it. Sebbie the same to a degree, insulting Trump supporters because he hates Trump is not the way to do things. Our leaders stab each other in the back, rort money like it's going out of fashion, carry on like kids and they still say they are doing what the public want.

As far as the bush fires comments go I think Trump is an insensitive prick for saying what he did, but that doesn't mean what Axl and co did was right. In '09 when the worst bushfires in 70 years went through here the Environmentalist were on the bandwagon saying the major parties ignoring back burning and clearing for fires caused it, then in as many words blamed the governments for the 170 deaths that happened as the fires burnt. Technically they were probably right, mismanagement of the forests was a big reason the fires took off (despite being deliberately lit) but while the fire is still burning and the body count is still rising is not the time to make political statements. What Trump said was silly but just because Axl thought he was right doesn't mean he should have opened his mouth.
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I don't think they should have done it the way they did either. But it's personal for them. They live in Cali. And this thing with forest management and Trump and Cali goes back a lot further then this recent spat.
By the ay I think I should delete my post now lol. This ain't the place for it.
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Aint going to offend me where you put it :)

I get that things are personal to some people (although I also admit to not knowing where Axl and Sebbie live) and I get that what was said was insensitive. I also understand wanting to react to such a situation. When the fires went through here there was a lot of angry people. Even without the political point scoring humans in general are arseholes to each other. We had pricks looting the houses before the embers were cool. I also feel for Axl and co if they have lost anything, but I also feel for the non celebs who aren't part of the big Twitterverse that lost stuff too.
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I can put it back up! I leave it up to you! lol

Oh man it's disgusting. People are dying and some news is all oh Kim Kardashian only had an hour to pack to leave her place! WTF ever.
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I'm of the opinion nothing is off topic :)

Oh yeah I heard Martin Sheen was missing but then found. But the best one I heard was that Alissa Malano put out message looking for somewhere to put her horses and James Woods offered her shelter...but the big news part of it was that AM opposes Trump and JW supports Trump but the two came together in the hour of need and assisted each other. It's a modern day miracle!!!!
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I'm of the opinion nothing is off topic :)

Oh yeah I heard Martin Sheen was missing but then found. But the best one I heard was that Alissa Malano put out message looking for somewhere to put her horses and James Woods offered her shelter...but the big news part of it was that AM opposes Trump and JW supports Trump but the two came together in the hour of need and assisted each other. It's a modern day miracle!!!!
Aww I guess everyone's getting puppies for Christmas!
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I just don't like arguing with my metal bros and gals. Lol. And now it'll be out of order. But if you insist!

That's funny as hell. Yet the same people cheer and hoot when Trump insults people. By the way Axl isn't wrong. and neither is Bach for that matter. I love the absolute morons that say people should get out of the country if they don't like Trump. He and his people are the biggest liars I've ever seen. The things they say and do are the opposite of what this country was founded on. Anyone who disagrees can easily find the actual facts. But it's easy for them to say fake news. Meanwhile they are watching Fox news who is the most biased "news" organization around. Just feeding bullshit 24/7 to hateful morons who eat I up like candy. I honestly don't get the support of Trump. Here's a guy who's been lying his entire career non stop and constantly contradicts himself.
But now that he's president he's a great man and tells the truth? His party constantly puts out racist statements and completely made up BS about the democrats and journalists. And are caught red handed doing the worst shit you can imagine and even in the face of irrefutable evidence. Just say. Fake News . They attack everyone who disagrees with them.
For the love of god, they don't believe in science!
The base of his party is built on small government, and they don't want to pay taxes. They have the worst schools in the country, the worst public services. And yet they get the most aid from our government. They shit on the east and west coasts, meanwhile it's basically the east and west coasts that pay for the country. They bash liberals for environmental laws that are strict. They are strict because every time a republican gets in office they let businesses do whatever they want and pollute for decades. They say the democrats are obstructionist and yet two weeks into Obamas presidency, they publicly said they would do everything they could to not support him.

He's conned them all. He's held up by mid westerners and southerners like he's a folk hero. He's a billionaire from NY. He doesn't give a shit about anyone. And they still support everything he does. But what do you expect from the part of country that didn't want to give up their slaves. A part of the country that calls the rest of the country elitist and un American. That seems pretty elitist to me.
He's the president and he gets up on stage and makes fun of Harley Davidson because they want to leave because his tariffs are hurting them. A president. Making fun of what is basically an American icon, and publicly making fun of them because his policy is hurting them. A president who gets up onstage and makes fun of people who have been abused. Who actually calls another party and journalists the enemy of our country. That is straight out of the communists mouths. He demonizes our closest allies and hails are most hostile nations.

And the republican party who all hated this guy before he was elected, all fell in line because for them it's party over country. No matter what he does and says. The only guy that stood up to him was John McCain and he got brutalized by Trump. A guy who was the hero of the party and had unquestionable honor according to them. And yet almost none of them say a damn thing to stick up for him. And what does baby Trump do when he dies? He put flags for his death that are supposed to be half staff and he raises them back up after the weekend. They are supposed to stay at half staff until after the services and everyone has payed their respects.
He is a petty small man. He is not qualified. How long was he in office before we started talking about nuclear war?! something that hasn't been worried about since the late 80's!
The democrats are not angels, but aren't anything like the lies his admin puts out.

It just goes on and on.

WTF is all that? :P

To be fair you can't argue American politics with me, I don't know enough about it to form an arguement. I might not be a huge fan of Trump, but I wouldn't have a clue who his opposing party is or what they stand for, (I don't really know what Trump stands for). I might call Trump names and laugh at him, I might even make comments about how stupid the things he says sound but that's neither support or non support.

I would imagine you would be the same arguing our politics. We have a different system, doesn't work much better than America right now but it's different, and therefore you'd have trouble forming an educated opinion without research. But I'd never stop you calling our PM a fuckwit if that was what you desired...I wouldn't even ask you to clarify your insult.
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WTF is all that? :p

To be fair you can't argue American politics with me, I don't know enough about it to form an arguement. I might not be a huge fan of Trump, but I wouldn't have a clue who his opposing party is or what they stand for, (I don't really know what Trump stands for). I might call Trump names and laugh at him, I might even make comments about how stupid the things he says sound but that's neither support or non support.

I would imagine you would be the same arguing our politics. We have a different system, doesn't work much better than America right now but it's different, and therefore you'd have trouble forming an educated opinion without research. But I'd never stop you calling our PM a fuckwit if that was what you desired...I wouldn't even ask you to clarify your insult.

Oh I'm sure I would. But some things are literally just listening to what someone says and does. Them personally. Not hearsay.
I'm not even taking sides here, it's pretty black and white. I don't belong to either of those parties. But one party is very vocal about peoples rights and the environment and has a history of trying to make things work. And one party yells and insults people and is responsible for overturning environmental laws and trying to do the same with people's rights. and preaches one thing and then does the other. One party tries to be diplomatic and one uses the bully tactic. It's been that way my entire life. But it's much worse now.
And personally I have problems with both parties and like some things about both. but I do agree with more things with one party. I'm for the planet over personal wealth. We only have one, without it we're all toast. And I don't believe keeping certain people down is the right way to go about things. If you have to deny things to one side because you are afraid of losing. Then you probably don't deserve to have it.
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See over here we really only get the greatest hits. "Trump said this", "Trump said that", "Trump is racist". The thing is that could all be true but it does only paint half the picture. We get lots and lots about the opposition not liking something he does but I wouldn't have a clue who that opposition is. I watch the news most days but what we get here about the US is definitely not fair reporting even if Trump is the worst thing to happen to the USA. For instance our news services literally did lead the Cali fires stories with "big wildfires, Martin sheen missing, Trump said something insensitive and Alissa Milano's horses were in danger", there was a few other words in the news segment but that was the gist of what they were saying. The next story went on to tell us how bad Trump's words were and who disagreed with them. Now all that may be fact but it doesn't tell the full story. We obviously don't vote in your elections but if we did we couldn't make an informed decision based on what we see and hear. Mind you Fox (Murdoch) owns half our media here too so it's not surprising we only get a partial story.
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Yeah I only get bits and pieces of Australian news. More if I watch the bbc or something. But it's never been shown in a sensationalized way. I certainly wouldn't know who was right or wrong in their opinions unless it's something that happens universally or is just common sense like...dogs shouldn't be given machine guns and laughing gas lol.
Fox is a propaganda machine. So much so you gotta laugh. it's just so clearly one-sided. It has been since after 9/11. But they're out of control now lol. If people want news they should watch bbc or public broadcasting.
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We kept getting praised for our gun laws here so definitely no dogs with machine guns. Actually that is a good thing for more than one reason, if the dogs really did have guns they would rise up and run the country and prove just how badly our politicians have done.

It was reported here that Murdoch basically conned the country several elections ago to get the governing party out of power. It was laced with some quite reasonable arguments given that the party his papers, radio stations and tv stations wanted in also want to relax media laws, relax gambling laws and give tax breaks to the rich...all things Murdoch had a hand in. But it was never really proven. Turn the cards 4 years and the party he supposedly wanted in power is now struggling, they can't govern, they are making mistake after mistake and their polls are consistently low and suddenly Murdoch's papers don't know who to abuse. They want one mob out but don't want the other mob in.
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Maybe dogs should rise up lol.

Man I believe it. Murdoch is a shady mofo. Sounds just like how he runs Fox news here.
Take that caravan that's coming here. Personally I don't like the idea of thousands of unknown people showing up here either.
But on fox they say things like it's being paid for by the evil un American democrats and liberal this and that and Trump takes off from what they say and vice versa.
No evidence at all that any of it is true. In the weeks coming up to the midterms Trump talks about troops and the evil caravan to get his base pumped up. Sending maybe 15000 troops. More troops than just about anywhere. Something the whole military basically says is stupid and unneeded and they wouldn't even be doing anything but picking up the shit the border patrol horses drop. And costing a fortune. But he's rallying these things fiercely, and it's not a stunt it's not a stunt. Fox news talks about the caravan something like 21 times a segment. After the elections for control of the house. Only once lol. It's just gone.
Maybe dogs should rise up lol.

Man I believe it. Murdoch is a shady mofo. Sounds just like how he runs Fox news here.
Take that caravan that's coming here. Personally I don't like the idea of thousands of unknown people showing up here either.
But on fox they say things like it's being paid for by the evil un American democrats and liberal this and that and Trump takes off from what they say and vice versa.
No evidence at all that any of it is true. In the weeks coming up to the midterms Trump talks about troops and the evil caravan to get his base pumped up. Sending maybe 15000 troops. More troops than just about anywhere. Something the whole military basically says is stupid and unneeded and they wouldn't even be doing anything but picking up the shit the border patrol horses drop. And costing a fortune. But he's rallying these things fiercely, and it's not a stunt it's not a stunt. Fox news talks about the caravan something like 21 times a segment. After the elections for control of the house. Only once lol. It's just gone.

We don't have thousands (I don't think) but refugees coming here by boat get dumped on an island and told to stay there. We've got thousand marching every week trying to get them off the island and we've got kids there that were born there but neither government wants to take responsibility, however each side is still wrong when the two side bicker about it. If it wasn't so serious it would be funny!

That part of the election just happened is another part of your system we don't all understand. We have one vote (every 4 years max) and vote in or out the party, and vote for our local member of whatever party we chose. The senate and the seats in that parliament are chosen by the winning party from those who won their local vote. No win no seat. There is no mid term but parties can oust their own leaders any time they like. At present we are still joking here that we've got time for another PM before christmas :)
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