Classics Reborn

At least when KK sprouted his shit he mostly chose stories that could have two sides to them. Tim may as well have come out saying the sky is orange because his lie was just as easy to prove.
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If it were up to me he wouldn't. I didn't mind that movie (as far as half arsed Hollywood music movies go) but I treated it as exactly that a movie not a portrayal of anyone's life.

I was mildly amused this week when I saw Nikki the Raccoon trying to defend something from the Dirt as "embellished" in the book because in today's metoo environment it looks so bad. When the book came out it was 100% god honest fact and I'm pretty sure the band are on record saying words similar to that. Now they are trying to sell it in a movie and it's a scene of possible abuse he's calling it embellished.
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Oh I'll definitely be glad when the movie is out and they can go back into obscurity, there is way too much of Nikki and Tommy trying to convince people they are still relevant.
I'm not a fan of Vince but at least he seems to be just getting out there playing with his band not constantly trying to hype up a pile of shit.
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The can only take shots of him with a wide angle lens and not all TMZ reporters carry one :)
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Nikki Sixx is now claiming the song Live Wire is about domestic violence. Seriously this fuck wit needs to get the fuck off the drugs and wake up to 2019. Sure if you want to you can twist the words of the song to make it sound like it's about domestic violence but what the fuck? This is a band that treated women like objects, they happily admitted to exploits that bordered on fucking rape in some cases and now they want to come out saying that the stories they once claimed were fact were embellished and they wrote a song about domestic violence nearly 40 years ago.

Since it became news I've remained ambivalent about the movie, figured I'd watch it when it had been out a while and was free and I'd treat it like any other Holywood fictional story. But I'm pretty much getting pissed of with Nikki and his want to change history to make himself seem like less of a cunt in the eyes of today's society.
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Probably because grandpa Sixx has a new daughter on the way and knows he won't be around long enough to fool her in person with stories while she's growing up. He getting ahead of it :p

For real though. Who the fuck does he think he's fooling?:rofl:
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Haha that's an interesting perspective. I remember reading how Bret Michaels is somewhat conflicted with his daughter chosen career, he wants to see her succeed, wishes her the best but also remembers 20 years ago when he and the band were doing whatever they could with girls like her.

Nikki is obviously trying to hype up the piece of shit movie they have but he's really going a long way to try and re-write history as well. I really hope it ends bad for him.
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Yeah real life problems are real for rock stars :)

As much as I'll probably still watch it one day I hope it dies in a massive way and no one watches it when it's releases. I also hope his play is going to go the same way. Personally I don't hold much hope for a play anyway plays seem to only have a small fan base and most of those people I don't think are the sort to get caught up in a story about a drug fucked rockstar. His name might get a few people in the door but I'm hoping that's it.

I do have to give him some points for having the audacity to suggest his play could do for drugs what Rent did for Aids. I know drugs are a real problem in society everywhere but to compare one fukwit's story that has been proven time and time again to be fictional to something that at the time was serious and scaring a lot of people takes some seriously deflated balls.
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I hope it dies a quick death too. Although if Netflix slaps their name on it it will never go away. But it sure isn't going to do what they think or hope. It isn't going to be their Bohemian Rhapsody. The fact that nobody wanted it and it took ten years to make should be a clue. not to mention he keeps saying shit is made up when he swore it was true.

He does have some brass ones about the play. I mean I of course hope it helps even one person. But c'mon lets get real lol. Unfortunately it seems like Sixx is now just going to do whatever he can to keep himself in the headlines...yayyy.
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Yeah Netflix do have the ability tho thrash the crap out of the advertising and unlike a cinema run I suppose Netflix can run the show indefinitely hoping that people pick it up.

If they thought it was going to come close to Queen they were dreaming. However I do think that Nikki's constant shitstorms in the press is even beginning to turn away the hardcore MC fans. Just looking at the way people are talking about it seems to suggest no one is believing his BS, and if no one is believing it I think that makes the story harder to sell as a biopic.

Yeah it would be nice to think that the play does some good, but to me a play/movie/story like that can only do good if there is a positive outcome. I don't see his story as a positive outcome. Even if one believes he's drug free now they guy's proven he's a fuck up he hasn't done anything worthy of redemption.
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Haha it's Vince's turn to hype up a turd! I particularly like the paragraph...

"I was really pleasantly surprised, because I didn't know if it was gonna be this really low-budget film," he said. "Because you can make really bad films very easily. But after the first 10 minutes of watching the movie, I forgot it was about us and I just was enjoying a really good film."​

So the biopic is now a film and one of the guys it's based on forgot it was about him 10 minutes into the movie!
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Dude. Hahaha wtf. I almost said before I'm glad Mick and Vince seemed to be staying out of interviews. I guess it's only going to ramp up before and immediately after the comes out.
How can you watch something that's supposed to be about you and forget it's about you unless it's utter bullshit? lol
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I wonder if Mick will do anything. He's always been the quiet one, he's never really been one to make a dick of himself. I hope he continues that path, although at this point it will be difficult to make a bigger dick of himself than the other three.

We've all mentioned how unlike the band the actors look. Maybe Vince has finally realised this too :)
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