Classics Reborn

Well they could only talk so much about the band and the good old days and a lot of those stories are already known. That only leaves them to talk shit and we already know Dee and JJ are outspoken fuckwits on any topic they think the fans will like them for. So it really doesn't sound that entertaining.
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No point boring anyone with the entire interview but there is a part I found linked on another website about Iron Maiden. I wondered why the fuck a pussy band like Incubus could possibly need to mention Iron Maiden, but this does say it all.

Both guys are from the pop band Incubus but that's all I know about them.

Boyd: Twelve to 14 I was properly obsessed with Iron Maiden.

Einziger: One of our longtime production team members used to work with Iron Maiden and we asked if we could borrow Eddie.

Boyd: We do it every two years and they said no every time. Right around every two years we ask Iron Maiden if we can take their Seventh Son Of A Seventh Son tour production out, cause it's just sitting there in storage, and they say no. We're gonna ask. It's like the woman you love and you profess your love to. You keep asking her to marry you and she keeps saying no. One of these days she might change her mind.

Einziger: The first time we asked was a really long time ago, like 2000, 2001. We're like, "They'll let us do it, right?" No.

Boyd: We're a big band now, we want Iron Maiden's stuff

I can't make up my mind if this makes them sound even sadder than I thought they were, or if in fact the "big band" is just desperate to ride on the coat tails of a band even bigger than they are.
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I can't for the life of me think why they would want to. Unless there is some connection between their shit and Eddie or Seventh Son it would just look like they stole Eddie. It's not even a tribute.

I know Airborne use the original Bomber lighting rig that Motorhead used in the 80's and 90's on stage but that was gifted to them by Lemmy and it suits their music. Incubus and Iron Maiden have nothing in common.
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No there is no connection at all. The first couple albums from them were a little Faith No More-ish Some funk a little metal-ish but with a DJ scratching. But they've been straight pop for a long time. Nothing in anything I've ever heard from them made me think Maiden. Don't know what would make them think they could use this stuff just because they liked Maiden years ago. Stupid.
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Yeah it does seem weird.
The connection of having one of their sound guys work with Maiden is pretty slim too. I know a guy that once worked for Motley Crue, does that mean I should get Motley's stage show on my next tour? (Actually bad example Tommy Lee would probably give it to me for publicity then claim I stole it from him)
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Can we borrow your mascot so we can have someone attractive on stage?

I read the other day that Lee has a new album coming out soon. Gonna be a big seller I'm sure. :)
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And Incubus want his offcasts.

Mick did work on one or maybe even a few songs with Phil Campbell this year, Phil's album is out next month I think.
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There has been some good Maiden interview/videos come out lately. Nicko's series a month or so back was insanely one would expect, but it's always good to get either a whole band perspective or comments from Dave, Janik or Adrian.
On a side note I was listening to Psycho Motel a few weeks back (Adrian's other band after leaving Maiden) and there is some cool stuff on those albums.
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There has been some good Maiden interview/videos come out lately. Nicko's series a month or so back was insanely one would expect, but it's always good to get either a whole band perspective or comments from Dave, Janik or Adrian.
On a side note I was listening to Psycho Motel a few weeks back (Adrian's other band after leaving Maiden) and there is some cool stuff on those albums.
I don't remember them. Was it at all Maiden-ish?
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No it was more trad metal with some guitar solos. It wasn't commercial and there was no pounding drums or screaming vocals, just straight out trad metal a bit like early NWOBHM stuff. I'd never heard of it until recently I read people talking about it being better than ASAP (or whatever acronym he named that band he was known for when he left Maiden).
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Bruce's stuff is heavier and better (for the most part). Psycho Motel might be on a musical par with Tattooed Millionaire but Bruce stuff on later albums had a lot more power to it. There is a couple of songs that come up in a google search, one of which also includes Dave Murray, which show the band was more leaning towards the music of Tattooed Millionaire rather than something like Chemical Wedding or Accident Of Birth
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I need to get more of Bruce's stuff. I only have Balls To Picasso on cassette and then a cd of Tyranny Of Souls. He did something that made not follow him at some point but I've forgotten what that was.
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Skunkworks was a bit more grungy than people were used to from Bruce. It's still a good album but I think it was probably the most removed from what he was known for and that didn't sit well with all the fans.
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