Classics Reborn

I wasn't sure where else to put this, but for those too embarrassed at being called a peado when they admit to watching BabyMetal clips now there is an alternative. BabyMetal with a Cyborg from 2300 as the guitarist.

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It's kind of funny, it appears to be set up by the guitarist and he's made a big back story (set in the future) about how all music no matter what kind connects people. I don't really know if it's quite as manufactured as BabyMetal but Doug Aldrich had the guy at his NAMM show and one of the girls was slotted as a replacement from one of the BabyMetal girls. They've only got a few songs out by the look of it so it's a bit hard to tell how talented the musos are.
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Having a gimmick isn't a bad thing for some bands and given the number of bands in Japan the guy might actually be onto something that puts him on a different pedestal to bands like BabyMetal and others.
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And they probably all come from a different time and play a different brand of future music with female singers....if you believe in time travel of course
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I wasn't sure what the idea was either. Sure for dedicated fans it might be good for a meet and greet but not playing seems silly. Although lets face it I'm not sure I'd want to hear Dee and JJ together on stage, and I definitely wouldn't want to hear them speak what's on their mind.
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