Classics Reborn

Power of the soul!

One of those shitty dime a dozen current affairs shows here was running a promo with the headline "can positive thinking give you a longer life." I'm not convinced that's all it is but when you see guys like Becker and Hawking who were handed very short term death sentences still going after 30 years you really do have to wonder if there is something in all that positivity.
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One of those shitty dime a dozen current affairs shows here was running a promo with the headline "can positive thinking give you a longer life." I'm not convinced that's all it is but when you see guys like Becker and Hawking who were handed very short term death sentences still going after 30 years you really do have to wonder if there is something in all that positivity.
He is an unbelievably positive guy.
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He is an unbelievably positive guy.

I believe Hawkings was too. I get the idea that such positive energy must do something towards making you feel stronger but with these guys it really does seem to have made them do more than just feel stronger.
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Goddamn they are so fucking disrespectful to metal and hard rock. For the life of me I can't figure how anyone takes it seriously. Who fucking cares if a bunch of rich snobs think you're important.
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Yeah I agree. I'm sure there are only a few bands out there who actually live to be in the RNR HOF but I'm sure there are also bands out there who when presented with the accolade they are happy to accept it. However accepting it only on the terms the idiots in charge offer is a joke. And to think it was only a few months ago one of the top knobs at RNR HOF said things were going to change and they were listening to the people!

I do like the way Mickey said that if the band does get in he and Phil will show up and they will play any way.
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I was surprised to read Mikey thinks Lemmy would have embraced it. He obviously knew Lemmy better than me but I too have the impression Lemmy couldn't give a shit about the awards. Maybe he'd turn up and play because to him it was always about getting music to the fans any way possible but I wouldn't have ever thought he'd be keen on the idea.
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I find it funny that either Nikki or Tommy are triggered by anything, but being triggered by a band that was inspired by them and copied so much of their stuff is even funnier.
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All Steel Panther need to do now is say they are Trump supporters and Tommy will go off his rocker. The twitter war will never end, even if they come out a day later saying they said it only to trigger Tommy.
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