Classics Reborn

Could well be. I imagine there was also quite a lot less opportunity to video stuff back then as well and it wouldn't have been like today where cameras just appear in the audience.

Zakk wishes he was this much viking :)
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Speaking of old stuff, check this out. Jim Martin and Cliff Burton just before Cliff joined Trauma

Including the For Whom The Bell Tolls riff at 9:50
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Speaking of old stuff, check this out. Jim Martin and Cliff Burton just before Cliff joined Trauma

Including the For Whom The Bell Tolls riff at 9:50

Nice definitely checking this out in a bit. I think Jim played them later in the Newsted years too I read the article you posted below. I'm pretty damn ecstatic Jim is back around. I wish he'd play with Faith No More again.
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I knew Cliff and Jim were in a band before Cliff joined Trauma and before Metallica, but I would not have ever thought there was footage of such stuff around. It's crappy footage but it's great too see. I wonder just how different Metallica would sound today with Cliff still in the band. Surely he wouldn't have let Lars turn the bass off like he has since Cliff's days, that playing is way too prominent.

It is good too see guys like Jim still getting around. Makes you wonder what they have been doing and if they have still got it. I don't think Infectious is going to be overly taxing for Jim, but it will still be good too see him play.
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Metallica would be way better today had Cliff not died. Either that or would have left the band.

I think Jim had an Emu or Ostrich farm or something like that after he left FNM.
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I think Cliff probably would have got sick of Metallica and left too, but I'd love to hear what difference he would have made on some of the more recent songs if he'd still been alive.

If I was Jim I'd have preferred working with emus to Mike Patton too :)
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Haha yeah it'd be interesting. You'd have this cut back straight forward guitar and drums and then you'd have this intricate bass weaving around with melody and energy. I wouldn't see Cliff dumbing down his playing to the point of getting sloppy and cutting pieces out like the other guys. He was the real deal.
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Yeah he was, and even on two albums he showed how important the bass player was to a band. Some of those early songs have the best bass lines in them. I just love how he was playing that riff from For Whom The Bell Tolls in that clip which was up to 4 years before Kill Em All.
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I still like KISS, I'd love to have taken the kids to their last concert here had it been a more realistic price (and not cancelled) but geezus I see why Paul didn't come down here. He wasn't sick he was bloody embarrassed to be seen doing this crap. I understand it's going to be an ad for AirBNB and KISS have never been to shy to embarrass themselves in the name of advertising but this is terrible.
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Yeah he was, and even on two albums he showed how important the bass player was to a band. Some of those early songs have the best bass lines in them. I just love how he was playing that riff from For Whom The Bell Tolls in that clip which was up to 4 years before Kill Em All.
Yeah he did the harmonics from I think a different song? at the beginning of the 9 minute mark.
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It's funny how quickly the KK lovers back down when presented with a few facts they fail to acknowledge. The comments start out whiny but one guy points out the truth about KK and suddenly his lover children have nothing to defend themselves with.
Pretty funny. And still there's this dude "

Tyler Satterlee
KK Downing formed Priest smart guy and Halford quit while talking shit about the band not being "heavy" enough..."

No. He fucking didn't. Didn't form it, didn't name it. And I really don't remember Rob talking shit either.
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Yeah I don't remember Rob talking shit about the band. I think all of them at one point (expect for Ian who remained silent) had their say but it was about the politics of the band and as shit politics can be I don't think I remember anyone talking shit about each other, and definitely not to the level KK did. I'm not even sure KK formed the band he was in that sort of in a really round about way became Priest, he was last man standing in that band though.
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Yeah the band and name were there. And people kept dropping out until it became the line up everyone associates with the band. At least that's my understanding according to Atkins.
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Pretty much. It's been a while since I read the book but it's something like. KK was playing with another guy. The band that would become JP had been playing gigs for a little while and despite knowing KK, who I believe had left home to be a rock star and was living hand to mouth in some little one room flat no one could reach him at, hadn't asked him to play. He tried a few times to use what he describes wasn't even a friendship with Ian Hill to get into the band but there was no vacancy. It wasn't until the night he saw the band in their van with JP written crudely on the side panel that he decided the name was good and pressured them even more. It was months, if not more, between KK first trying to weed his way into the band and it actually happening and I think from memory it was weeks between when he saw the JP name and he got into the band. So claims than he formed JP are bullshit, they were a band before he joined, they had a name, it was just that by the time he joined they were falling apart and three of them pretty much rebuilt it.
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Yeah that's pretty much the way I understood it.
Stupid blind blabber fools.;)

Even if he was the former and king of creation it's not like he's Mustaine or anything. KK by himself is not the magic ingredient.
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Well KK thinks he's the magic ingredient. The fact he's been out of the band for a few years and they are still going does nothing to change that thought either.
Interestingly if the band had folded when he quit, like he thought it should because it wasn't going in the direction JP was supposed to go, they wouldn't be having a 50th anniversary anyway. So I don't know why he's bitching to be let back in! :)
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