Classics Reborn

I do wonder what would possesses someone to say stuff like that about their mate anyway. It's one thing for weird stuff to happen when a bunch of guys get together but to share it with the world seems a bit tacky to me.
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I'm not sure what sort of weird stuff you're refereeing to :p

It sounds more like something Lars would say doesn't it?

Lars took the photographs :)

I suppose weird is open to interpretation. I know we did some stupid things and I wouldn't dare suggest everything we got up to was suitable for a general audience but I certainly wouldn't go telling the world about it all.
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Some low life prick had broken into MUSONIA (Randy's school of music) and stolen his mother's guitars, and a collection of his gear from his Quiet Riot days. I know nothing is sacred to some people but I doubt anyone who broke into that place didn't know what they were getting and that makes a crime like this even more shitty. I hope they are stupid enough to think they can sell the stuff because it wont be long before someone spots the stuff if they do.
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Even if the gear isn't valuable to collectors, which I suppose it is, the stuff is priceless and irreplaceable to the family. Insurance wont repay what the gear is worth to the family but some arsehole or arseholes have decided it's worth more to them than the family. It does take a certain prick to be that self centred.
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Geez if I read that correctly they didn't just steal the instruments they trashed the joint and stole photos as well. If the act wasn't already low enough stealing ,someones photos of their family, dead or not, really takes the cake. I hope these idiots are enjoying all the publicity they are getting, pity the law wont come down on them hard enough.
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One can only hope they were whacked out on something when they did it. It doesn't excuse what they did but it explains how they could have such a lack of consideration for someone. Unfortunately crime these days is a way of life, but taking someones photos is a different kind of personal.
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