Oh my god this guy must have the best brain for publicity if he can actually spin this story and have anyone believe it. KK should hire this guy for a publicity kick.
The guy played on two, maybe three songs with the band. He was sacked, not quit, before they even got a decent deal despite Angus and Malcolm's brother owning the record company they signed too. His singing, good or not, was nothing on Bon and would not have launched the band to where they ended up, and he still thinks he's got a book in him and that someone wants him back in the band?
It might be true that a large part of AC/DC died with Malcolm but when they stood Brain down I'm sure this wankers name did not come up. You can just imagine the band meeting. "Do with go with Dave, who quit 40 years ago and has since played on stage less that KK, and played to less people than Skid Row, or do we ask Axl Rose to sing." Yeah that would have taken a lot of consideration.
The stupidest thing about this though is that he claims he wouldn't rejoin the band now, yet when Brian was stood down the fuckwit hit the press, including Blabber, and went on and on about how the only logical replacement for Brian was in fact him. He was the first and he should be the last. But now it's a case of no interest...yeah what a legend.