Proof that Blabber is starting the year as they ended the last, with shit reporting and fuck all story. In local venues these guys will bring the roof down with or without playing AC/DC, just like about 50 other Aussie bands would. Their music is iconic here, their crowds are some of the hardest rocking crowds around and the lead singer can growl along with many thrash acts. But their appeal is not global despite playing Waken and other big events and they've had two 10 year hiatus'. How Blabber even got wind of this small tour is beyond me but if they'd have actually researched things a bit more they'd have found that at any given time there is an AC/DC tribute band playing in every state in this country. The Poor are simply a band coming out of hiatus and paying tribute to a band they grew up with and toured with to mark the anniversary of a particular album, something that's been done by different bands for pretty much every AC/DC album anniversary. This isn't Dave Evans trying to garner publicity for singing a song, this is a local band paying tribute to their icons.
Besides, you don't fuck with Skenie, the lead singer, he lives with a monkey!