Classics Reborn

Yeah I hear you I'm not sure who it is but I have some cassette that has the warning and I could never really figure out why lol. I mean who really knows what will set off the people who are afraid of words. I think they probably fear their own shadows so much they walk around with flashlights.
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In this country any record that had the word fuck in the lyrics got stickered , there was very few that actually got stickered for content. Thing was it almost became a competition with kids as to who could get the most stickers. Still it made some wanker somewhere feel good that kids were warned before hearing the word fuck.
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I think it might have gone further here than just Fuck although that was part of it. I don't know about there but the way movies are tagged now is absurd. There's a warning for every little thing. I was good with G.Pg. PG13 and R lol

Yeah saving the world one swear at a time!
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We have an MA15 rather than PG13 but we also get the silly little warnings too. Sometimes we also get the voice over on the tv, my favourite is "this show contains sexual references and a sex scene." It warns me that I have to watch for two hours and there is only one nudie scene so it's not worth watching :)
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I'm hopeful it will be good and I'm hoping the reports aren't just hype but I still wonder how the hell they can fit 1200 pages of book into a movie when even the mini-series/telemovie with Tim Curry as Pennywise still skipped so much and it was about 6 hours.
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I know what you mean that mini series was a big let down for me. The actors weren't very good except Tim Curry and it had a lot of holes. I don't know who's directing the movie but if they're good they should be able to pull it off at least better than the mini series. It seems like the days of King's books being translated into crap are behind us, at least from what I've seen the last ten years or so. Fingers crossed!
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From what I read it's some crew from South America or something, they have a record but nothing I really knew. My bro saw the movie with his kids last night and they thought it was good, but I have heard some people say it was garbage so who knows.

Most of King's early adaptation suffered because he had no influence on the making, when he started getting involved and making his weird cameos things did improve a little bit there has still be some crappy ones.
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Trying to think lol. The Mist was good uh what was the one where four guys are out in a cabin and there is an Alien thing? Dream Catcher? That was cool. I know there are more. I'm just thinking since around 2005 maybe. The 80's and 90's were very hit and miss. but there are some good ones. The mini series adaptations I didn't like over all. The Stand was so-so. I didn't care much for the Tommy Knockers.
A crew from South America doesn't give me the biggest sense of confidence so I hope your bro is right lol
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There were suppose to make the Mist into a teleseries, given what they did with the Dome I'm not overly sure I could watch a TV series. I don't blame them for screwing the Dome, it was a long and detailed book but for TV they had to make it like every other TV show not a suspense novel. I don't think I saw Dream Catcher. Christine and Cujo were a bit before their time, but I don't want to see them remade. I still have the Stand on VHS I remember my biggest disappointment was that Anthrax wrote a song all about it (long before the series) and they didn't use the bloody song in the show.

I watched the Running Man on TV a few weeks ago, it reminded me why I liked the book. Misery was so so Kathy Bates did a good job but the movie on a whole wasn't great. Pet Sematary was funny. The Shining was better remade and lengthened although they should have got Jack Nicholson for the remake. The Green Mile was ok but lacked detailed. Loved Firestarter but haven't seen it for about 30 years so I might not like it now. The Dark Half was ok but looked too much like Hitchcock. Needful Things didn't live up to the book. I didn't mind Sometimes They Come Back. Liked Children of the Corn but not the sequels. Liked Quick Silver Highway and loved the idea of Maximum Overdrive but it really did look corny on screen, like so many 80's horror movies. But I'm no movie critic :)
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I did wish The Mist had been longer because the monsters were so cool but I think a series would be really overdoing it. I haven't seen The Dome or read the book. I've gotten really behind unfortunately. Maybe if I move to Maine I'll have to start back up lol
You should check out Dream Catcher, it's messed up!
I pretty much agree about all the other ones you've mentioned. I recently tried watching Needful Things and it couldn't keep my interest. The book was great though. I did watch Cats Eye not very long ago. That was cool. I always liked that one with Drew Barrymore and that little evil thing lol
Maximum Overdrive is classic for some reason to me lol It is a bit cheesy but at the same time that Green Goblin truck has is burned into me as a kid. It was so cheesy it became menacing. Like a clown lol. The Running is classic to me too, it just has so many people in it :D

I thought the exact same thing about the Anthrax song and that movie. Also with Judge Dread. They have a song about The Dark Towers too don't they?
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I really loved the idea of Maximum Overdrive and always wanted to drive a clown face truck.

They wrote a number of songs based on King's books. Scott Ian owns and number of first print King books.
Among The Living was about Captain Trips and Randall Flagg but not used in the movie
Skeleton in the Closet is for the story Apt Pupil an not used in the movie (from memory)
Misery Loves Company was written about Misery and not in the movie
Not sure about the Dark Tower.
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Oh man would freak if I saw that thing on the road lol
Oh wow I didn't know that they had that many! I don't think I ever saw Apt Pupil. . I'm actually not sure I even knew it existed. Oh Silver Bullet! That's still one of my favorites. I'm a sucker for a good werewolf movie.
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That's why I wanted the truck. I don't think the movie was seen by that many but those that had would recognise the truck coming :)

Apt Pupil wasn't great. I think they suffered a bit from not showing how evil and devastating both characters were. If the made the old guy like he was in the book they'd get labelled racist and evil and if the made the kids as evil as he was in the book they'd get in trouble for treating kids badly.
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There is all sort of memorabilia around so I guess the truck could exist. I know there is a huge market here for Mad Max cars, some are genuine movie items others have been made by fans.

According to wiki Apt Pupil was made in 1998.

I read elsewhere on this forum that Anthrax got two appearances in the new IT. Once with a kid wearing a "follow me or die" t-shirt and once with a snippet of one of the songs, can't remember which one now.
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I've got Apt Pupil on DVD but I think I've only watched it once. My expectation might have been too high when I watched it, maybe it was excellent :)
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