Classics Reborn

All we've bloody heard about in this country for a week is that Bonnie Tyler was going to preform Total Eclipse of the Heart during the eclipse, which don't get me wrong is a great song written by a dead set legend in the music industry but no one was talking about Ozzy. Barking at the Moon at Moonstock, it should have been world wide news :)

The footage is pretty average and so is the sound but Ozzy doesn't sound half as wasted as what I thought Bonnie Tyler was.

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I do tend to watch news services and stuff and the eclipse got a lot of coverage over here for some reason. I know they don't happen that often but it really was strange how much coverage the bloody thing got and how much people were talking about Bonnie Tyler. Ozzy only gets in the news here when he does something bad and he hasn't done that for a few months.
Since Ozzy finished the Back Sabbath tour he's been kind of quiet. The first few gigs with Zakk popped up in a few local music news services but not much coverage was given. I'm kind of surprised actually because it seems like every other day lately Iommi, or Ward have something to say about Sabbath. Then there was that stuff the other day about who came up with the drums to Over The Mountain, yet I don't think Ozzy entered into any of those arguments. Whether he was asked and refused or wasn't asked I don't know.
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I know there was stories about Ozzy about this he did on the final BS tour but he much have been really well behaved when he toured Oz because there was nothing bad about him or the band.
I've got a car cassette deck in the office and I tested all my original cassettes a few years ago having not played them in years and they all still worked. The same couldn't be said for all my VHS tapes despite being stored in the same conditions. I was pissed off when I found out my Live After Death and Raising Hell VHS tapes were uplayable, but it gave me an excuse to buy the DVD's
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I'm scared to test all my cassettes, I tried Metal Church's Hanging In The Balance. The tape is immaculate but it won't play. It just clicks off.
It's good you could find dvd copies a lot of stuff like that is just out of print.
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I wasn't as scared about the cassette's because they don't stretch as far through the machine when played as VHS tapes do. Cassettes left in hot cars sometimes died but I was lucky mine were stored well enough to keep away from the major heat.

Because I tend not to watch DVD's much these days I haven't replaced all my VHS and I really can't be stuffed converting the ones that still work, but one day when I'm old(er) and can spend all day sitting watching TV maybe I'll try and replace some of them and turn my old age into one long metal concert.
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Mine have always been kept pretty safe. So I don't know what happened. But I played a couple and tapes do sound like shit lol

I haven't replaced all mine either. Some out of laziness some because there is no dvd version. I haven't fired up a vcr in over a like 15 years lol
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Most of mine were kept up on the mezzanine in the shed, it gets fucking hot up there and the boxes were covered in ash from the 09 bushfires but the cassettes survived pretty well.

We've got a VCR/DVD combo unit in the bedroom which I used to test the VHS tapes but that was the last time it got used. I don't think the VCR bit has ever been used to watch a complete video.
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