Classics Reborn

60 huh? Is that why you put it in the "classics" :heh: Happy Birthday!

I have absolutely no clue about this album. Or really any non Ozzy era. The closest is Dio and I'm not expert on that either.

Bruce is a classic no matter how old he is :)

I have no clue about that album either cause I fucked up. The video clip (and single) which I saw on Bravewords was called Trashed and it's a cheesy drinking song. The album was called Born Again. I've been a fan of Gillan for years but I still think that album would have been more successful if the Black Sabbath name wasn't on it, fans didn't want Gillan leading Sabbath.
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Bruce is a classic no matter how old he is :)

I have no clue about that album either cause I fucked up. The video clip (and single) which I saw on Bravewords was called Trashed and it's a cheesy drinking song. The album was called Born Again. I've been a fan of Gillan for years but I still think that album would have been more successful if the Black Sabbath name wasn't on it, fans didn't want Gillan leading Sabbath.
Haha that's true Bruce is a classic no matter what.
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Haha, yesterday they claimed to have, but didn't show, photos of Axl out the front of the studio. I wonder if anyone knows what is going on.
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Axl's definitely got that over Brian.

It would be funny to see them do a dual singer thing, both singing on the same songs and see who over powers the other. It would be even funnier to have all this hype and then find out that neither of them are actually singing.
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I still think the biggest replacement is going to be that rhythm guitar. It's all good and well getting another Young in there but replacing Malcolm is going to be hard no matter who the person is related too.
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He wasn't on the last album, Stevie Young (nephew to both Angus and Malcolm) took over and if you listen to it you can hear a difference. Rock Or Bust was still an AC/DC album through and through but you could tell it wasn't Malcolm.
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He actually retired from the touring band the same year as Rock Or Bust was released, but while he didn't play on the album I believe he still helped write it and was present at times during the recording.
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