Classifying fans


Balls Inspector
Dec 11, 2002
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Does anyone else classify/stereotype people into what bands they probably like by what they look like? For instance, whenever i see a guy with a husky build and long dark hair I automatically classify them as a Nevermore fan. I don't know why, but i just do. Anyone else share my Obsessive Compulsive trait?:confused:
i'm back, my friend, and am ready to continue making records for all to enjoy. My new material is reminiscent of 'Pink Moon' but differs because it contains several 20 minute + epic acoustic masterpieces and a light twinkling of piano.
I dress like a semi-trendy fellow. My hair ain't too long, but I'm growing it out right now...I basically look pretty similar to anyone else, kinda non-descript, and I don't listen to what you would expect someone who looks like me to listen to.

...which goes to show how 'guessing' peoples music tastes based on their looks is a retarted thing to do.
you cant alway guess accurately, but you can be sure that at a death metal show (like brutal and american death) most of the guys (and some of the girls) will look like bouncers, and at a power/prog show you will see a lot of hobbits and dwarves in the crowd, and a few guys who look like computer programmers from the 80s.
i dont look like the typical metal chick i guess, since i dont dress like a goth slut and draw a bunch of shit on my face. i have a rad tatoo on my back though.
This reminds me of this weird little thing that happened to me, I was walking along, pissed, with my mates in town, when we stumbled upon this bunch of chicks.

One of these chicks looked really gothic, kind of dark clothes and face piercings and stuff. I was like, yay, maybe she likes metal, judging on her looks so I turned to her and said, 'Hey, do you like metal?'. She looked me up and down and could see that I don't look very 'metal', so she took it like I was this trendy type 'accusing' her of being into 'satanic music' or something, like I was judging her. So she replied, 'HMPH! I listen to what I fuckin want to', all insulted like, and stormed off.

I was just left standing there thinking, 'Why the fuck did she get so insulted?'. I like metal and wanted just to talk to someone who likes metal too, but she took it as an insult. It was odd. :(

I suppose it just goes to show how judging someone based on their looks is something you must go about very carefully, and I wouldn't recommend it. :p
It's sad that people usually expect you to like certain music based on your looks (or, rather, they DON'T expect you to like certain music, based on your looks)!

Personally, I'm disgusted by the "metal look", and find it to be extremelly counterproductive, but that's just my opinion. And, I love the fact that people are shocked (both metal fans, and non-metal fans) that I love bands such as Emperor, Opeth, My Dying Bride, etc. Of course, I also love the Beatles, Gary Puckett & the Union Gap, the Temptations, Barry Manilow, etc., so I really DON'T have one "look" or style which would accurately describe me!!!
Originally posted by markgugs
If you actually STEREOTYPE - let's face it, you're not classifying, you're stereotyping - people based on how they look, well then you're a fucking dumbass.

Amen brutha.

Classify is what you do when you find a new species of plant or animal.