
Jan 29, 2008
Fuck You, I'm from Texas
Since I'm a noob and tend to say noob-esque things, I figure I should seek help to end my noob ways.
I don't completely get how to classify things, I get confused as to where one genre ends and another begins. Like such things as these...
Where does Grind become Slam Death?
When is Death Brutal Death?
When do either of those become Tech-Death?
When does Doom become Entertaining?
These are just a few of my problems.
What I'm aiming for in this thread is just for some genres and their general parameters on what makes them that genre, and maybe some examples of bands from said genres.

Since I'm a noob and tend to say noob-esque things, I figure I should seek help to end my noob ways.
I don't completely get how to classify things, I get confused as to where one genre ends and another begins. Like such things as these...
Where does Grind become Slam Death?
When is Death Brutal Death?
When do either of those become Tech-Death?
When does Doom become Entertaining?
These are just a few of my problems.
What I'm aiming for in this thread is just for some genres and their general parameters on what makes them that genre, and maybe some examples of bands from said genres.
Grind and slam death have very little in common besides extremity. Slam and brutal death are usually distinguished from regular death metal by a more rhythm oriented approach, more guttural vocals, more compacted and attacking song structures and generally more blastbeats. Compare Morbid Angel to Brodequin for instance.


Yep, I don't, nor have I ever, worn black jeans, had my ears pierced, done anything with my hair, other than wash it, and as a result I look nothing like that. But thanks for your totally uneducated and retarded input, it's always enjoyed. Please crawl back into your hole and continue your unneeded existence.

Anyways... I don't like Doom because it's slow and bores me. I don't like slow, generally. I put that in there, because I was going through the threads to put genres that I wasn't sure on the parameters into my message. I came across Doom and thought that was funny. As always, I am indeed open to any quality bands you wish to recommend me from said genre. Opinions are subject to change.

@cookiecutter... Thanks for actually responding with some sort of help.

edit: Listening to Ahab now, it's ok. Tolerable, I would say. It just seems like every song is an intro track that I skip to get to the heavier/faster songs. I do, though, enjoy the vocals.
Grind and slam death have very little in common besides extremity. Slam and brutal death are usually distinguished from regular death metal by a more rhythm oriented approach, more guttural vocals, more compacted and attacking song structures and generally more blastbeats. Compare Morbid Angel to Brodequin for instance.

Except Morbid Angel is nowhere near Grind.
He didn't say they were. I don't know why he want from delineating grind and slam to "normal" death metal and slam though.