Clawfinger IR

''Here is a broken link to download a converter''


I found this, maybe someone can make more sense of it than i can.

syx to wav conversion

here's the structure if you want to write a routine to do it.

<sysex start> <sysex MID> <IR command message> <IR data> <checksum for IR data> <sysex end>

<sysex start> = 0xF0

<sysex MID> = 0x00 00 7D
MID = Manufacturer ID = Configurable in Axe-fx by default it's 125 = 0x7D

<IR command message> = 0x00 0A 00 00 00

<IR data> = 1024 Little-endian 32-bit signed integers (2's complement) nibbled out for sysex.

* The nibble itself is also little endian
* For example for the 32-bit integer value 0x78563412
* little endian value is 0x12345678
* nibbled out for sysex = 0x02 01 04 03 06 05 08 07

<checksum for IR data> = One byte XOR checksum of the pre-nibbled IR data, the checksum byte is also nibbled out in little endian fashion.
Yeah. Ask me. :)

Edit: i took them away when I realized that we had bad AD/DA converters and when I realized that I got spammed more than I wanted to. :) The bad AD/DA converters made that Line6 fizz appear. Very annoying.
Yeah. Ask me. :)

Edit: i took them away when I realized that we had bad AD/DA converters and when I realized that I got spammed more than I wanted to. :) The bad AD/DA converters made that Line6 fizz appear. Very annoying.

Awesome! I don't need to say it'd be the coolest thing to have your impulses, but it'd be equally cool to know the gear used...

Mic? --->> Mic position? <<---- :p; Amp (sim, in case of pod)? Any weird thing in the guitar chain you could talk about? i've read somewhere on the internets that Fredrik uses some sort of delay on his guitar?... i very well may be bulshitting myself doing these lame researches on orphan internet forum posts :p

Thanks for checking out the post man :kickass:
Well we aim for a slightly different flavor than this forum loves and treasures. ;) But here it goes.

Version 1, old school Meshuggah:
LDC in the dustcap/cone area of a Marshall 4x12 with T75s. Move it around until you get a character you like. Much like what Ola does at home:

That's it. Ok, version 2, Clawfinger/Meshuggah in the mid/late 2000's:
Cheap China made Ribbon pretty much in the center of the dustcap of a Line6 cheap cab. no V30 in sight. ;)

Those Axe-FX IR's was all cabs we had but none of them was really awesome.
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