clean female vocals in dt


Nov 7, 2001
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till gallery or minds i, dt had some great clean female vocals and the passage from the female vocals to the pain stinging growls of stanne were just great. does anybody miss this is the new dt albums.
nope, I don't miss neither. Well a bit of cleans and a bit of females aren't bad, but I had the ones I needed :)
If there comes more I'll be happy, but just don't miss'em
You miss the female vocals? The female vocalists DT used were really poor! The one on 'UnDo Control' was good but the rest of them... blech! Only one poorer than them was the one on Eternal Tears of Sorrow's Raven (in Her Eyes).
I kind of miss the female vocals.

Especially when I listen to the crescendo in "...of melancholy burning". They have to do something similar in the future.
Best One's are in Insanity Crescendo...the only voice with vibrato that i really really enjoy ( well Mikael Akerfeltd does some slight vibrato in live situations too ). The gallery are ok, but i cant help to think what would a DT song would be like with Cristina Scabbia ( lacuna coil ) as a guess voice....i do miss both things but especially Mikael's clean voice....:cry:
i do miss female vocals 'cause i think they added some more contrast to the songs.

@macmoney: sara svensson (on the mind's i) was far from poor, in my opinion. she actually sang on more than half of oxyplegatz's first album and nobody ever complained. ;)

@misanthrope: i'm glad i'm not the only one who would like some guest vox. not on many songs, clearly, just a one-off.

I always liked the female vocals on every DT-album. I can't imagine how all those great songs (A Bolt..., The Gallery, Insanity's Crescendo, UnDo Control, etc) would sound without them and I certainly am for adding some guest vocalists here and there on the future albums.

-Villain (np: The Black League - "Ecce Homo!)
Originally posted by Misanthrope
Ecce homo?
Isnt that Nietzsche autobiography?

Always wanted to read that....

it's not an autobiography, if i'm not mistaken, but surely it's a philosophical essay written by nietzsche. you might also want to try 'thus spoke zarathustra', 'the antichrist', 'the will of power' and the essay originally named 'der ubermensch' which i honestly hope has not been translated to 'superman'. :spin:

anyways, it's more likely that villain was listening to the song by black league instead of a vocal rendition of the book. ;)

had read all those you mention except maybe the essay
and sadly it is always translated as "Super Hombre" to spanish that means "SuperMan"....wish i was from germany so i could read them like they are supposed to be :cry:
sadly it is always translated as "Super Hombre" to spanish that means "SuperMan"

i think the problem originates when you have to appeal to the comic-strip hero and to the "ubermensch" concept with the very same name; i mean, since i name them "superman" and "superuomo" i don't worry about it, even if the meaning is the same.
ehm... sorry... wandering from the subject :p
Female vocal is anders's girlfriend.I don't think anders not let her for new album.anyway mikael have good clean vokal.he needn't a back vokal :)
miss the femme vox?...50-50.
only in the insanity crescendo, she have those great voice. resembles the eve-addams family..
its great to have all pure male voice in one album-haven.
did ever mikael and team tried to have the growl-femme vox?..
if its match to him, it'll be one quite brand new....