Clean Vocal Groups?

Are either of those bands even actual metalcore though? Always personally just considered them part of that whole "American heavy metal" crapfest.
Not sure what you mean by the American heavy metal crapfest. I assume you mean the explosion of emo fag bands of Keith Richards wannabes, and not classic American heavy metal like Manowar, Manilla Road, Cirith Ungol, etc.

does this sound emo to you? ok the clean vocals are a bit high, but he's not singing about being left by his girlfriend. and Tim the frontman can beat the shit out of you

anyways yeah, bands like earth crisis have more of that bouncy, obnoxious vibe and happy-ish riffs of punk, which i fucking hate
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That band for a start needs to get someone that knows how to do vocals properly. But no, it doesn't sound emo. I've never really been too fond of throwing that term around anyway.

It does sound absolutely nutless and weak though.

This steamrolls all over that pile of crap:

I did not hate the tone or the riffs though they were just mid-paced plodding the whole time, wish they would have sped up and flowed better like metal does

Lol the vocals were like he was straining so hard to sound tough yet still came out like a pussy. AILD's growls are fuller and manlier
modern swedish melodic metal that should be right up the op's alley