Clips of EMG HZ's?

Rex Rocker

Call me Hugo!
Dec 21, 2007
Well... I know the general consensus is that these suck, to which (from my limited experience with both) I would kinda agree, but has anyone actually taken the time to post comparison clips between... say, the 'so-called-passive-81' H-4 and the 81? I think it would be interesting to hear clips of both if anyone has both, please.

and I have no intention of switching the electronics out for a comparison
Yeah, I wouldn't expect anyone to do that... but maybe some before/after clips swapping out the HZ's...

Or if someone has them in a similar guitar. :D
oh god, i have EMG HZs in my jackson.. as soon as i can afford an 81, they're going. i hate them so much!

to get anything usable out of them, you need to hi pass them quite aggressively, and even then it's still not great.

i'd kind of gotten used to it, but i just recorded a band, and i was playing with their guitars when they were killing themselves (smoking).. and i've got to say, the difference was immediately notable for me.

stay away from HZs!!
