EMG 707 vs. 81-7 quick comparison clips

Could this possibly have to do with string gauge, pick or picking technique?
I use 10-52 and 70 strings btw.
I think it's really weird you guys have this problem...I believe that the solution must be something really simple.

10-52 and 70 here as well, with no 707 studio tone issues that I've noticed yet...

I know it might sound silly to be asking at this point, but you guys can actually hear what we're on about, it isn't just our imagination is it? :p
I know it might sound silly to be asking at this point, but you guys can actually hear what we're on about, it isn't just our imagination is it? :p

Haha...yes I did in the original post and in the couple nevermore videos. Although, about the videos, there's a chance that they had the amp volume really low and the microphone actually picked up the string picking sounds along with the amp.
Yeah, that's pretty much what it sounds like: extra/ acoustic string attack mixed into the amp signal. It's really annoying when you get it when you record at a decent volume though, or I know in Ermins case, using impulses!
I have 006's 707 in my 607B and finally got a chance to use it on Saturday. It sounds tight with deadly low mids and a high end that's less sterile sounding than the 81-7. My front loaded Engl cab can sound a bit brittle and the 707 smoothed that out. My tone is similar to the tones that Sysera and Keregioz got. I can't see using an 81-7 again in either of my guitars.
Glad you are diggin' it Todd!

P.S. did you get the wah+cash from my friend?

Got them..I sent you an email today. I REALLY love this fucking pickup. The 81-7 is an awesome pickup but was a little bit too bright for my taste. Even my cleans sound better. There's definitely a noticeable difference in the tone between the mahogany and maple guitars and I think I prefer the mahogany/707 combo the best. I haven't had any of the noise that some of you guys have heard but I don't doubt that it's happening with some guitars and not others.

Oh yeah, I used the wah on Saturday to annoy the fuck out of our drummer. He hates wah pedals and I used it as often and as inappropriately as I could.
Hahaha, yeah, your drummer and I have that much in common then! :D Wahs definitely can have their place, but they can also be overused SO easily IMO. And FYI, the Engl cab I sold you is rear-mounted ;) (the new ones are front-mounted)
Rear mounted ? Really? I guess I need to poke a flashlight into the grill. I never stack my cabs but our rehearsal space is too small and maybe it's the stacking that made the Engl sound a little bit brighter and more brittle. I also have the .50 Caliber running through it and not the Recto and the 50 is definitely more mid/high end.

Back to the 707... I'm surprised you didn't like it, Marcus. Based on your clips you definitely don't go for the bright mid/high tone and the 707 definitely is NOT that. Most of the clips I record at rehearsal kind of suck so I don't really want to post. We're playing NYC at the end of the month if you're in town and I should be running both amps.
Well I'm not a 7-string guy really, so I've never played a 707 - but I did say that I didn't like the 85, though I've since retracted that now that I realize most of the mud in my tones was coming from the Stiletto cab; not saying I'll necessarily like it even with the Recto cab, but I do wanna give it another try! And the best way to tell how the speakers are mounted in a cab is to see if the grille is removable, since it has to be with a front-mounted cab so the speakers can be dropped in. And honestly, my guess as to why it's kinda brittle sounding is all that sound-deadening in the inside back panel!
All of this new information is seriously making me want to try an 85 in the bridge of my EC-500 instead of the 81 that is in there. Too bad the EC-500 doesn't have the 85/81 combo so I could just swap 'em.
Nice one, Dan.

So... we're no closer to working out what the issue is? I'm not really going to have the chance to look into this for quite a few weeks, so it's disheartening to see everyone is still puzzled.