Closure on Lamentations


Nov 27, 2003
COlumbus, OH
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The atmosphere on Closure on the DVD is ridiculous! Since i got the DVD i've seen it like 4-5 times now, and every time they get into Closure it blows me away. I've always liked the song, but it always had a little something i felt it was lacking. That mellow break in the song after Mikael sings "...longing for the darkness," is so amazing. Last night i made myself an mp3 of the song because it's so damn good, just so i can listen to it on my mp3 player :loco: . Just wondering if anyone else thinks that this is a wondferful improvement over the album version as well....
yeah i didn't think the mellow break was that great either. i'm sure they could have found something more constructive to do whilst changing guitars, like handstands or something maybe.
I think it fucking blew... the acoustic sound sucks balls live (would be TONS better if mike used the 12 string, but too difficult for obvious reasons) They didnt use the ebow, which they said they would not use it live. That part just kicks ass, and the mellow break they added i didnt like. The album version is like 1000 times better in my opinion.
Yeah this is by far the best track of the entire DVD . It´s a fucking nice alternative version, I might even perfere it to the original.