Question about Closure.

yeh they're fuckin awesome if u like them you'll probably like my mates band which takes alot of influence from psycro called Mephistopheles. go here and see wat u reckon of them. the recording isnt crash hot but they're an awesome band considering none of them are older than 17. Contemplations, Army of Evisceration and Temples of Devourment are the best.
Psycroptic are doing VERY well both nationaly and internationaly. At MFTB I saw between 20-30 Psycroptic shirts, and just about anyone who's into the death metal scene knows and loves them (or at least, should). Just check out the GMD and run a search for Psycroptic - you'll see hundreds of mentions.
I heard quite a lot about that. Fuckin' shame, he was a killer vocalist. Glad I got to see him with them before the split. He'll still be playing for Goreverk (vocals) and MSI (drums), so I'm sure we'll see a lot more from him in the future.
@psycroptipath: i hadn't heard of them before, but thanks a lot, i'm gonna try and pick up their newest next time i'm at amoeba in san fran...."the colour of sleep" is crazy good