cloverfield no spoilers


Juke Box Hero
Sep 18, 2006
way better than i thought it was going to be, i wont say its a masterpiece or anything, but it was extremely intense and entertaining.

i give it a B+, but it really sucks you in, i think its a movie you need to see in theaters instead of on your TV.

anyone else see it? dont post any spoilers
yea pellaz id say so, but its actually GOOD, like its very original, gripping, and intense, its not the same old dull shit, you actually feel like you are right there in it
I'm going to see it in a few hours. We were going to go last night, but I figured the crowds would be your typical asshole "Generation Gimmie" kids. And I HATE seeing movies with those people in the theater, so I just avoid it on Friday/Saturday nights.
I'm going to see it in a few hours. We were going to go last night, but I figured the crowds would be your typical asshole "Generation Gimmie" kids. And I HATE seeing movies with those people in the theater, so I just avoid it on Friday/Saturday nights.

i feel you there, matinee (sp) is the way to go
Yep, I do matinees on Mondays to avoid obnoxious kids. I must be old because I have zero tolerance for that crap. Plus movie prices have gotten out of hand. Planning on catching either this movie or The Orphanage tomorrow. Guess it depends on how early I can drag my lazy ass out of bed (The Orphanage is at 11am).
Is it basically an epic monster movie, or....? The adverts don't give tooo much away.

If you're going to see this and expecting a Godzilla-style film, you're going to be disappointed. It's very different from that. I think comparing it to a disaster film might be more valid, though it's darker than the usual one of those, too.

I think it's worth checking out, especially in the theater. And put me down as one of those "early show" people, as I cannot stand the yammering that goes on by audience members at a regular show. I haven't been to a movie at night in years and years because of this. Plus, going early is cheaper.

I'd save more money if I skipped the popcorn, but dammit, I LIKE popcorn!!! :heh:

I'd give it an A-. It was original, had you right by the balls for the majority of the movie, and I really do feel like they managed to give it a realistic feel (in terms of how things would transpire, how people would react, etc.). The shakiness got to be a bit much at times, but it added so much to the movie. To those who saw it, maybe we can make another thread that DOES contain spoilers? There are certain things that would be cool to discuss (i.e. the end).
also, to those who plan on seeing it but haven't yet...stick around after the credits. I didn't because I didn't know about it, but apparently there is something at the end.
also, to those who plan on seeing it but haven't yet...stick around after the credits. I didn't because I didn't know about it, but apparently there is something at the end.

it was like some radio transmission wasnt it? i dont think it gave anything away or told anything else about the movie.

as far as the end of the movie goes, they purposely left it open for a sequel cause they are already talking about there being one. obviously there wasnt much closure to the movie, but in a weird way that added to it, and it left me really wanting to see the next one that they come out with.
SPOILER ALERT_____(i'm making the text black so it's harder to read, but skim over this anyway)

Kenso- From what I read, it's a voice (presumeably from the video camera) saying "it's still alive". What I was referring to with the ending was the last scene on the video camera of Rob and Beth at Coney island with the ocean in the background. In the background on the right side of the screen you can see a large black object, the monster, fall from the sky into the water and make a huge splash.
Thanks for the info, folks!

And I seldom go see a movie in the evenings on weekends right after it has come out. Matinees, preferably a few weeks after opening day, are what I prefer. Then again, I seldom see movies in the theater anyway. :(

Dave: yeah, popcorn. My one vice at a theater, but damnit, I can't resist its hot buttery goodness. I'd have gotten some when I saw The Golden Compass (my last outing), but the lines were -- conveniently for my wallet -- too long. :)
lol it was. I was the only one in my group of friends to notice it. As a HUGE lost fan and being familar with Abrahms' work, I was also probably the only one of the 3 of us who thought to pay such close attention to detail throughout. I still wasn't sure what it was afterwards though, so some detective work around various forums revealed that I wasn't the only person who saw it/came to that conclusion of what it was.
Thanks for the info, folks!

And I seldom go see a movie in the evenings on weekends right after it has come out. Matinees, preferably a few weeks after opening day, are what I prefer. Then again, I seldom see movies in the theater anyway. :(

Go see this in theaters. It won't be as good at home. I wholeheartedly echo the sentiments already mentioned about this point in the thread. It's more up close and personal that way, and this is a film that deserves it.

I don't know if this is considered a spoiler since there is no bearing on the plot, but for the hardcore, I didn't want to ruin anything:

I absolutely LOVED how they didn't use any background music throughout. It added a lot to the suspense.
Yeah, I did like that.

And about it being better in the theaters, I'll add another +1 to that. I normally hate sitting close to the front in theaters, but because of the crowds I had no choice and the experience was even more intense because of it. With the screen taking up my entire view, it was really a "holy shit this is happening to me" kind of experience.