Cob 10 years: huge birthday party to be arranged.

I never saw it on Iltasanomat. I read about it from scythes-of-bodom and thought it was reliable. Unfortunate misunderstanding there...
WHAAATTTT!!! That's fucking crazy!!!!!! Ahhhhhh, even though i was never going that's really shittty~! I can't believe i actually believed that. I feel like a fool.
:waah: :cry: I feel so fuckin sad now, I was already so looking forward to going there, making plans, would've skipped school and now???

Can't be true, shouldn't be true, why are these fuckers making up such stuff?(I don't mean scythes, they can't do anything for that)

Now I have to find some other reason to go to Finland again, Bodom should do a party anyway in my opinion.
Iltasanomat and Iltalehti are pretty depressing... They always have so much negative stuff on them. Every day I see those advertising-posters of theirs and there's always text about people who died in some accident or were murdered and so on. Way to ride on people's death.

"The media loves the latest tragic suicide. They exploit it, then package it and profit from the people who die. - Off-topic game, but guess the song and the band. Winner gets a cookie.

nevermore - the final product. i win.