Well thank fuck the whole GH and Cock Band trend is fading away. I would love to see the band getting a lot more money but without spoiling it for everyone. For everyone who wants it to be the hardest song on the game... you're fucking retarded, through the fire and the flames was the hardest song on the last game and look what happened to dragonforce
uke: I used to like dragonforce just a bit before that game came out and then I turned to hating them due to what happened. If anything the song that will be chosen will be chosen by the record company and WONT be the song that most represents the bands sound and it will rather be a promotion tool for Blooddrunk. If the scenario happens then we will have 1,000,000 kids running around saying oooh I like this one song from COB because it was on GH but all the rest suck. Which is better than kids running around in full on cob attire saying "OMG! COB RAWWWKS!!! They was on the GH and that makes them awesome".