COB on Guitar Hero: Warriors Of Rock

your an idiot dude GH is a waste of time and teaches you nothing real guitar requires much patience and practice anybody can play fast and sloppy which is what GH teaches
I think it's stupid compare guitar hero to real or real guitar to guitar hero. Real guitar can be hobby, Guitar Hero is a video game which is desingned to have fun. And if your hobby is guitar hero believe what i say; You are boring nerd. That's my opinion

I think best bodom songs to guitar hero would be Bodom Beach Terror, Kissing the shadows or Trashed, Lost&Strungout.
Got it in one.

Excuse me, but as I do play hockey for real I'll take this one because Lari's right.

It is just plainly stupid to get angry at the games themselves because the whole point of games is allowing yo to try and emulate what you can't do in real life. Or do you guys run around shooting nazis like on Medal Of Honor or fighting the evil alone like in Metal Gear Solid or all that shit?

Well, the same goes for sports, music... You CAN actually get mad at the retarded people who thinks that playing the game makes them good in the real thing which are a minority though, but not at the game or a the tons of people who just play if for some fun.
Guitar Hero may be useful for a musical retard to learn to pick out one instrument out of the context of an entire song.. But honestly have you ever seen a kid who behaves like a cocky rock star because he's good at Guitar Hero?.. It depends how strict aspect you take; you could say they have absolutely nothing in common, or you could say they have a lot in a way. Most of people who drive civil cars in traffic rules don't understand the logic of how to drive fast around a cornered circuit, which is something you learn in a realistic racing simulator by practice, but of course despite all those aforementioned steering wheels and pedals and gears and large screens there's still something missing compared to the real thing. Theory is another thing to actual physics.
I think GH and RB are fun games. Games being the operative word. I hate when people get all high and mighty and say that playing a game is stupid compared to really playing guitar. Of course it isn't the same. These games aren't marketed as a guitar tutorial. It's a way to get together with friends and "play" some cool songs. And RB and the later GH aren't just guitars. You can also sing, play bass, or play drums along with your favorites, and that's fun!

To the ones saying that kids get cocky when they can play this or that song on expert mode or whatever...who fucking cares!? they're kids! They'll be cocky and thinking they're so awesome whether it's playing guitar hero, WOW, Halo, Mario Kart, whatever.

To me, I appreciate the fact that COB have been included on some of these games. I wish it was better songs (I like AYDY quite a bit though), but at least an awesome and talented band is getting some recognition. COB aren't huge or mainstream in America...nor do I want them to be...but I support them getting some attention.
I just can't see why they had to pick up IYWPPFW instead of a classic like Silent Night which is drug with instant addiction to kids who've not heard them before. Does someone know if you play the leads or rhythms with that plastic piece of guitar? How are you supposed to play a COB solo with 5 buttons?..
Guitar Hero may be useful for a musical retard to learn to pick out one instrument out of the context of an entire song.

Aw man, I really dont like GH (I think only the drums are fun because they are funny but shitty e-drums and not badly stripped down guitars) but it's just a game. I mean you dont have to play it and you can pick up a real guitar (that's what I prefer too) but those kids want to play a GAME not the guitar. You could rebuild the game so it's all about working out in a gym becoming some bodybuilder. You know, with some typical bro-core tracks and a barbell controller. I bet loads of people would like it but the IMAGE of being a rockstar and rocking out is a bit more popular and way more attractive to kids so you can easily figure it out why they made such a game. It's a pretty stupid concept if you look at the game itself.but the whole package is attractive. Well, maybe those kids really feel like rock stars, but wtf, just some gay youth-dreams, I couldnt care less :lol:
But if you're mad because you are worried about the youth ...

let me start by stating a few things;

1. new CoB fan

2. have no experience whatsoever with the guitar (i play the piano/organ and janne's my hero! <3)

3. this is just my 2 cents

anyway im actually really looking forward to the cob song on the new gh. to me, gh is about as close as i can get to getting probably like 0.1% of the feel of actually playing a real guitar. of course it goes without saying you cant play a cob solo with just 5 buttons and like a designated strum bar but hey, you're not supposed to be able to pull it off with guns n roses either so w/e really.

i've seen the song played on frets on fire and looks really cool. though i would've been happier if it was are you dead yet instead of if you want peace prepare for war. totally fell in love with it (aydy) when i watched that youtube vid of alexi playing that song for emg (albeit he did look a bit bored haha).

anyway w/e, gh is really cool and having a cob song on is like the icing on the cake. \m/

let the "gtfo n00b" comments begin!

let me start by stating a few things;

1. new CoB fan

2. have no experience whatsoever with the guitar (i play the piano/organ and janne's my hero! <3)

3. this is just my 2 cents

anyway im actually really looking forward to the cob song on the new gh. to me, gh is about as close as i can get to getting probably like 0.1% of the feel of actually playing a real guitar. of course it goes without saying you cant play a cob solo with just 5 buttons and like a designated strum bar but hey, you're not supposed to be able to pull it off with guns n roses either so w/e really.

i've seen the song played on frets on fire and looks really cool. though i would've been happier if it was are you dead yet instead of if you want peace prepare for war. totally fell in love with it (aydy) when i watched that youtube vid of alexi playing that song for emg (albeit he did look a bit bored haha).

anyway w/e, gh is really cool and having a cob song on is like the icing on the cake. m/

let the "gtfo n00b" comments begin!


"Are You Dead Yet" is already available as a Downloadable add-on to Rock Band least on PS3.