CoB ftp

um how do u make it shut down when it finishes the download? because i have like 4 more hours and in 4 hours it will be like 1:00 but i goto bed at like 12:00... so i dont want to leave it on all night because of 1 hour haha so ya i just wanna no hwo to shut it down automatically when its finished(using cuteFTP)
which shows have the best quality?
i know Tuska is very good and Live in Seoul has poor video quality, but what about the other ones? can anyone help?
Hello, I'm new to this Board but im reading it since Months... ;)

I have a little Problem: I cant connect to this Server....i use WS-FTP
I will upload an Pic with my Settings so that you can probably see whats wrong there....

thx in advance.

Edit: so, here's the pic:

whats wrong?