S Sirius666 New Metal Member Jul 8, 2007 2 0 1 Jul 8, 2007 #1 Well...hello all Im from brazil and i would like to know if there is any chance to CoB come here? I think they have never been here before. sorry for bad english :X
Well...hello all Im from brazil and i would like to know if there is any chance to CoB come here? I think they have never been here before. sorry for bad english :X
Enemy242 Member Jun 27, 2004 5,582 7 38 CA www.myspace.com Jul 8, 2007 #3 according to scythes of bodom they played in brazil in 2001 and 2003 and the band doesn't read here so don't bother asking.
according to scythes of bodom they played in brazil in 2001 and 2003 and the band doesn't read here so don't bother asking.
vikk Member Nov 29, 2005 21,533 97 48 Jul 8, 2007 #4 they played in Brazil, and they won't come back cuz you suck viadinho
AndreasS Dutch Demon Feb 27, 2007 2,295 0 36 36 The Netherlands www.freewebs.com Jul 8, 2007 #5 wtf this aint even the CoB official board lol...dumbasses this is like the 3rd one today...
Enemy242 Member Jun 27, 2004 5,582 7 38 CA www.myspace.com Jul 8, 2007 #6 AndreasS said: wtf this aint even the CoB official board lol...dumbasses this is like the 3rd one today... Click to expand... i can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not but if you aren't, yes this actually is the official cob board.
AndreasS said: wtf this aint even the CoB official board lol...dumbasses this is like the 3rd one today... Click to expand... i can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not but if you aren't, yes this actually is the official cob board.
the phenom Member Jun 7, 2007 6,561 1 36 33 Finland Jul 8, 2007 #7 yeah ill just fuckin call alexi and ask him when we go out on beer or somethin tonight
V valkokukka I can still feel it Mar 30, 2007 1,727 0 36 Finland Jul 9, 2007 #8 Alexi has said in recent magazine interview that after new album has been released they will tour in following order : Australia, Japan, US, Europe. After that they will go where they are wanted most. South America has not been mentioned anywhere.
Alexi has said in recent magazine interview that after new album has been released they will tour in following order : Australia, Japan, US, Europe. After that they will go where they are wanted most. South America has not been mentioned anywhere.