COB in Metal Maniacs....

Noble Viking

Aka Herman Li
May 16, 2005
Los Angeles, CA
So I was in Borders Bookstore and came across metal maniacs magazine and read an article involving the Hate Crew. Apparently, They were sitting in a restaurant in New York and talking about various shit like Alexander leaving, Janne's small role in the song IYF and a small sentence about the lyrics (Janne was like "Yeah, the lyrics for the song are typical COB lyrics...fuck this, fuck that, fuck you......really retarted stuff! :lol: ), how the writing process for AYDY went quicky (duh), and then they started talking about the internet again and how everyone reacts to everything they do. The gay relationship thing came up and they said something along the lines of this.......

Alexi: "So we were really drunk..."
*janne interupts"
Janne: "We were hammered in Canada and we thought it'd be funny if we started making out" "some people saw it and were like, "What the fuck? Fags!" "Some other people started defending us thinking we were gay!" It was sooo much fun reading about it on the internet with a six pack the next day!"

Cal: "I think... I mean, that sounds gay. I just want you to know that this is the first conversation... of three conversations that leads to you being gay. There's this, and then in a year it's like, "You know... I'm kind of going to wanna get back out there, but I think I like guys."

And then there's the big,
"I'm... I'm a gay guy now."

EDIT: From the movie "The 40-Year-Old Virgin". Watch. Funny.