COB Interviews

-Merrild- said:
Yeah..can`t they just stop touring for like some time and just practise and be good? and with good I mean tokyo warhearts good..that would be fucking uber sweet

You know, as simple as that sounds, that is exactly how I feel. Tokyo Warheart is my standard for how good Alexi can play live. The other members of Bodom have only improved, especially Jaska. Alexi's writing got better since Hatebreeder, but has his playing gotten better? You've gotta admit, the new live album as no where near as flawless as Tokyo was. I even liked his sound better back then, much cleaner and more fluid. I'm sure the newbie fans will rip me apart for saying all this, but I know what I'm talking about. (Hell, Alexi mentions the lack of practice in this interview!)
Wow that interview has to be the most in depth that I've ever read. I got answers to almost every question that I've had for years, except for one: What about Sinergy!!!!???? I was scrolling down praying that Zarok would ask one question about Sinergy, wtf is going on/when can we expect the long delayed "Sins of the Past"? I mean, I know it was a Bodom related interview, but he asked plenty of off-topic questions (I loved that Alexi likes SAW). That's the only let down, I would kill for some good Sinergy news.

Otherwise, some interesting points:

Alexi is unhappy with the guitar sound on AYDY! This makes me happy because I have always felt that the guitar sound on HCDR was more powerful. This means that we can expect them to concentrate on this issue next time around.

Alexi's least favorite album is Follow the Reaper!?!? This is mind-boggling because FTR is the album that defines Bodom to me. He seems to not like many of the songs (mentions the Kissing the Shadow chorus as being gay), but then he mentions some of the classic songs from FTR that he does I NEVER would have assumed this! I think FTR fucking ROCKS, every damn note. If nothing else, FTR has the sickest guitar\guitar and guitar\keyboard of all of the albums, it is heavy, but it is so melodic. Bodom After Midnight has to be one of their best songs.

Alexi's favorite Bodom song is Living Deadbeat...I have always thought that this is the best song on AYDY, it's the most Bodom-sounding song on the whole album, the solos are sick, and it is just a really well-written song (We're Not Gonna Fall or Trashed has to come in second tho).

I am still digesting what I read, so I will post more later. Again, great job Zarok (I know you want new Sinergy as bad as I do, let us know if you hear anything new PLEASE!)
Thanks a lot for the nice comments. I'm glad that you all like it. The hiccup thingie was funny indeed and poor Alexi really suffered.

MasqueReaper said:
What about Sinergy!!!!????
Actually I had a question about Sinergy but I had to skip it in the end because we were running out of time and Alexi and me were pretty happy that the interview was over after nearly 70 minutes. Anyway, after the interview I asked Roope about Sinergy and he told me that some guitar parts still have to be recorded...
No, but when you take a look at COB's schedule in the interview, Alexi and Roope won't have much time for that in 2006. And next year, they're busy with writing and recording the new COB album...
me too but it seems that we have to wait forever

Can´t Roope do the guitars while Alexi is writing the lyrics for the next album
MasqueReaper said:
He seems to not like many of the songs (mentions the Kissing the Shadow chorus as being gay)

Yey, the keyboard on the chorus IS damn gay, it ruins the song. It's like a hippie dance or some shit.

Alexi's gonna redo the song Translucent Image. That song has this sick drum/guitar riff.

I would still wanna have them make Talking of the Trees again. I know they'd have to change much of the song's concept because it would not work with the heavy Bodom sound, but it would totally rock if they altered it.

So what we know about the next album is that it's gonna have a cool movie sample, and maybe clearer guitar sound.
Wait, he didn't finish this one thought

Zarok: No, sorry. Another quote:
"Roope is just a session member for the next tours and he won't play on the next album"
-Alexi in September 2003

Alexi: Yeah, well, I said that bec- (brutal hiccup attack) Motherfucker!!! I'm pissed off now. I gotta get some water or something. (leaves for a moment)

Zarok: Doing better now?

So why did he say that?

BTW that interview was awesome. One of the best of CoB!
Probably because they had a stereotype of the new guitarist to be someone young and unknown to them, they couldn't imagine Roope would stay.
Joonas--yep. I mean, many people back then expected it to be either Kai from Griffin, or some young Finnish dude. Not "Latvala the legend omg!!1".;) But anyway, they seem to get along well and Roope is a good musician so that's okay!

Allu seems to get the hiccups quite often and bad!:loco:
Zarok666 said:
Thanks a lot for the nice comments. I'm glad that you all like it. The hiccup thingie was funny indeed and poor Alexi really suffered.
Actually I had a question about Sinergy but I had to skip it in the end because we were running out of time and Alexi and me were pretty happy that the interview was over after nearly 70 minutes. Anyway, after the interview I asked Roope about Sinergy and he told me that some guitar parts still have to be recorded...

No prob man, that interview was so throrough, I've been talking to my friends about it for a few days. We totally cannot believe that Alexi thinks FTR is his worse album (wtf? it has to be one of the best of the albums, just for its guitar riffs alone) Crazy.

I am not sure whether what Roope said is good or bad. I read that Lauri Porra (bass) had to quit because he joined Stratovarius. If there are guitar parts recorded, that is sweet, but I wonder who will play bass (bring back Marco from Nightwish, he's fuckin awesome!) I wonder how much of the album is written/recorded, and who wrote it (Alexi usually split the writing duties with whoever was in the band at the time, he wrote some of them, Marco, Roope, Tommi Lillman, and Jesper Strömblad either wrote or co-wrote with him).

I dunno, I guess I am just starved for some Sinergy news, I want to hear that the solos are going to shit on everything I have ever heard, and that Alexi and Roope are going to show us that they are the best guitar duo
on the planet once again. Suicide by My Side is going to be damn near impossible to beat.