COB Interviews

thanks sleeper =)

"it sounds more like old school Children of Bodom. It has maybe a smimilar feel to our first couple of albums but written with alll the experience we have now." sounds good!
+11111111111111111 Damn that's nice.
Alexi might have actually been awake for this interview, lol. Sounds great: "It sounds more like old school Children of Bodom. It has maybe a smimilar feel to our first couple of albums, but written with all the experience we have now." March 8th cannot come fast enough! :D
As it seems, COB will be featured in the new Kerrang! and the new Terrorizer mag. Don't think I'm gonna get them in Germany, if anyone can get his/her hands on an issue, tell us if there's some news pleeeeeeeeeeease!

Stella, thanks a lot for the upload!
As it seems, COB will be featured in the new Kerrang! and the new Terrorizer mag. Don't think I'm gonna get them in Germany, if anyone can get his/her hands on an issue, tell us if there's some news pleeeeeeeeeeease!

Awesome, don't know when they're released but hope there'll be something new.
Oh wow, I didn't notice that your scans were from the mags I mentioned :lol: Could have seen at least the Terrorizer one :cry: Sorry!!!

Forgive me, I got abstracted by the epic Elysium leaks :lol:
I don't understand that question because for me no band (or hobby musician or music listening fan) is "up there" to COB generally. Although over the recent years' material even I can spot things they could've made better.
I don't understand that question because for me no band (or hobby musician or music listening fan) is "up there" to COB generally. Although over the recent years' material even I can spot things they could've made better.

In case you didn't know, "someone up there" is an expression for a higher power/God, implying (usually jokingly, like in this case) that bad luck/injury/etc is caused by this.
^Back in the best days. Alexi's mentality was so different. More serious and focused(?) somehow.

Alexi & security guy @ backstage:
Security guy: you sure you wanna go there?
Alexi: ? yea, I have a fucking gig to play! fuck
Security guy: that's the cleaning closet, the door's that way
Alexi: oh

@ Delanoir yea I didn't get that "somebody up there" meaning higher powers.

"Alexi: Finnish tours have been great and audience has been lot better than we expected.
There's also been lot more people than we expected. So it's been very great but this tour
has been very fucked up. I don't mean the audience but everything else has just went so

Alexander: Yes, everything has went wrong.

Alexi: So everything else than audience
has sucked ass.

There are lot of good venues in Finland where local promoters arrange this as they should be
but there are also some places that are completely fucked up. In europe, venues are usually
well organized and everythings fine and they have tight schedules. And in Europe and in Germany for
example the venues are made for metal bands and in Finland venues like this one are also good.
Although originally these venues are meant for something completely different than metal
bands. 60 years ago there weren't assholes like us hereand thats for sure.

Alexander: This is good place since here's room for a lot of people, and what's also good
is that minors are allowed here too, since most of our fans are propably minors, so it's very important
that they are allowed here too.

Alexi: I think that it sucks that some our fans can't come to our gig because they happened
to born on wrong year since thats not their fault. I remember too when I was young and there
were many good bands in Tavastia and I wasn't allowed there.

You can't get your live performance good just by planning when you mosh and when you do
other kinds of stage moves.

Alexander: There are too many things that can go wrong that way.

Alexi: And it looks very stupid. Only way to get good live performance is just to
gather a lot of live experience, and thats what we have been doing all the time.
I think that when playing live first of all your playing should be flawless and also
there should be a lot of running around the stage and stuff like that.
Band should also get some contact with the audience.I don't like it when the stage is
like 5 meters away from the audience because then you can't get in touch with the audience.

Alexander: Audience should feel that the band is playing there for them and not playing there
just because it's fun to play on stage. Many bands do that mistake.

Alexi: Thats like bands that play proge music, well I've never seen Dream Theather live
but I can imagine how boring it is to watch them play live. Bands that are very good at
playing just concentrate on their playing and don't take any contact with the audience.
It's doesn't matter what you feel when you're playing live as long as the audience is having

Of course we never want to fuck up a gig and especially not because of drugs.
We never drink much before a gig. Of course we might take few beers during a gig
but it doesn't affect playing in any way. I think it would be most pathetic thing
a band could do to go palying a gig when you're very drunk and fuck everything up
because of that.

Once we were playing in Austria, propably in Gratz or somewhere there and the venues
backstage was very complicated and there were many doors where you had to go if you where
going to stage and our gig was starting and the other guys where already there and I was
coming there a bit later and when I was heading to the door where you can get to the stage
there was just some local dude there who asked me that "are you seriously going to that door?"
Then I said that of course I have gig there so out of the way dude. Then I opened the door
and it was some fucking cleaning room, and the guy pointed another door and said that the
stage is that way so get the fuck out of here.

Fuck you! By the way I'm Alexi Laiho.

Alexander: And I'm Alexander Kuoppala

And we are from Children of Bodom. Read Perkele. Or fuck you if you dont."
I found that video which I have never seen before. It`s not an interview (still I hope it`s ok to post it in this section). It`s Alexi working with another band.
Perhaps you`ve seen it before. If yes, has somebody made a translation?
