COB Interviews

didnt get that part..
The playback is tomorrow, are you looking forward to seeing the reactions from people?

Janne: Yeah.

Alexi: Yes we are actually.

Janne: Cause, so far everyone who’s heard it like the management and close friends, they loved it a lot.

Alexi: A lot of them have said it’s the best fucking you’ve done! And I’m not speaking for myself here, its what they've been saying.

Janne: Honestly that’s people’s reactions. I am really excited about the reactions tomorrow because there’s going to be a lot of industry people and other people who’s going to hear it.
Back when the interview took place, there was a listening party for a bunch of people in the music industry. Before that only some friends listened to the album so they were excited about what reactions they'd get.
So far the reactions of their friends and management where really positive.
That was what they said December 9th before the December 10th Metropolis listening party, which spawned only one "review" that said nothing analytical. I'd be curious to know why only one review... are the rest gonna pop up in magazines soon?

You know I remember the writing that was on the front page but got removed, about WIWI being their "biggest and best song," and after how it turned out I'm not interested in what those people say. I think it's downright insulting to say WIWI is your best song. I mean who can honestly put Silent Night Bodom Night and WIWI on the same table and say WIWI is a better song, what the fuck's going on.

Oh well, it's just the marketing period we have to endure. By the time I get the album in my hands I will thank the heavens for this exhausting wait being finally over. It feels like being on a stranglehold for the fourteenth month straight.
We should create a sticky thread here on the Forum, called something like "COB Interview Questions", containing suggested questions posed by people who have a
real interest in, and knowledge of, the band, and to which any journalists/interviewers, etc could be directed by whoever of COB's management sets up an interview, as
a resource for putting together a set of informed questions (which many, if not most, of them clearly need) BEFORE they actually conduct the interview. That way, we might get
some insightful and interested responses from the band, and they themselves would probably appreciate not being bored to death by the same old shitty, un-thought-out,
topline questions they get in every fucking interview.
That would be a cool thing. No way would any interviewer grow the brains to come here and check out what we'd like to know, but maybe Janne or someone would at least check 'em out and maybe even answer some.
We used to have a thread called Ask Janne but the problem is the really thought-out questions get buried amidst dozens of mindless crap like cherries in dust. It's not easy to come up with exciting questions, it takes some brain squeezing and insight. I'd like to ask lots of stuff concerning the albums being different, and the rare and unplayed live songs and suggest some of my ideas. If I start to read journalism in university to get to do that they'll have stopped by the time.
Wel, all we got from that inerview was that they aren't coming back to the US. So everyone who's been spouting bullshit about them favoring the US can shut their faces now. That interviewer sucked, though, and it seems Janne and Alexi made sure he damn well knew it! Ah, I think we all love it when they're in a bad mood and half drunk...XD
Wel, all we got from that inerview was that they aren't coming back to the US. So everyone who's been spouting bullshit about them favoring the US can shut their faces now
Not really. If all goes well, they will tour in America in the autumn, after the summer festivals. They just tour Europe first after the release. It has been 2 years after all. Which is not to say from America. Although admittedly those weren't all headline tours.
Not coming back to America? That would be a huge mistake on their part.

I just thought they were taking care of Europe firat and then hitting up the US.
See, I thought when he said that he meant in between the Berzerkus tour and the European tour.

They fucking better come back and tour for the new album, considering they didn't seem to get as big as they are until they got popular in the US.
I bet they'll go to Japan or South America after the summer festivals it's either that or the US as usual..
Thanks Joonas! Kind of pointless interview but something nonetheless I guess ;)


If any of you US people even start complaining about their touring of your country I hope you get struck by a fucking lightning bolt.

For Blooddrunk we got one tour and you guys got fucking five! And I'm sure you'll still get more this time. I really appreciate their effort of starting with us this time and of making a quite deep and thorough EU tour, and maybe even something more during 2012, besides Summer festivals and all, but that doesn't take anything away from the fact that you people will again get at least twice as much of them as us. I understand the marketing/label reasons behind that way of touring, but it still pisses us off here in Europe.
if they've already done well in europe it makes sense to try to conquer america as well (which is quite a difficult task, especially the driving during touring). obviously it's a bummer to all the europeans but they only have so much time; in a couple years i bet they'll be gigantic and able to just do world arena tours. with their crazy stage shows and constantly increasing production combined with their sound i could definitely see them doing huge arena world tours with crazy setups like Metallica when the black album came out probably by say an album after RRF.