COB Interviews

Atp: Yeah, i know and i don't get why Alexi just doesn't divorce her already but when he meets me and when the time comes to marry me, he'll officailly break up with her. I will get him no matter what. The day will come someday and Alexi will love me with all his heart. And i DID have a bf but we broke up but i'v found someone new but i'm afraid of talking to them.

Do your parents know about your Alexi obsession?
No, parents don't know about my obsession and they won't. If they do, they're gonna do something drastic. *memories from last obsession before Alexi* Anywayz, back on topic. This is a interview from Guitar World May 2005, i think?

I don't know the question for this one. All i have is ALexi's answer.
As for guitar-related injuries, i did get tendonitis once, five years ago. I had to stop playing for a few weeks. When i started again, i had to relearn how to pick because my old technique was causing the injury. Since i'v changed picking techniques, everything's been fine.

I her a lot of Paul Gilbert's influence in your playing. Are you a fan, and did you ever meet him?
I'v never met him, but i'm definitely a fan. I like Racer X and some of the Mr. Big stuff. He's great, has awsome techcnique and fucking rocks.

What are your settings for your Lee Jackson GP-1000 preamp? Do you have any secrets to how you prouduce the unique tone found in your slolos?
My preamp settinga are volume 10;distortion 10; treble, 10; and the rest doens't even matter. The preamp doens't really give out much distoriton, which is why i gota have a gain boost in the gutiar's pickups.

Why do you use just a brigdge pickup on your giitar?
I don't like that smooth neck tone. I like the really mean sound of the brigge pickups.

I read that you refer singel, passive emg hz-h4 pickups to active pickups, such as the EMG 81. Why is that?
I have gain boost on my guitars, and if you hooked it up to active pickups, it would be too mcuh distorton. In fact, would just be a bnch of feedback.

Are you designing a guitar with ESP? Can you tell us anything about it?
I'v had my own Japanese model ESp for a couple of years, and the us model is set to come out any thime now. It's pretty much like the Randy Rhoads shape, except the lower wing is a little longer-somewhere between a randy Rhaods and a Jackson King V. The guitar has one briges pickup, 24 frets and a FLoyd Rose.

Why did you make those lame comments about Dream Theater in GW(april 2005?) You're a fine player, but comments like those just make people lose respect for you? Did you know it caused a big stir?
Fuck. (laughs) Well, apparnetly it did,. First of all, i think it's really funny that people trash bands and musicians every day on the interntet, and nobody gives a shit. But once you sy something likt that-which wasn't too bad0in a magazine, all of a sudden you'r the biggest dick on the earth
But truthfully, i don't knwo why i said that. I was having a bad day or something. Obsviously, John Petrucci is a better guitar player thani am, and it's not my place to talkshit about him.

Who are some of your musical influences? Anybody we might not expect?
All the Ozzy guitar players-Randy Rhoads, Jake E. Lee, Zakk Wyle-as well as Paul Gilbert and Steve Vai. And her's somebody you might not expect:Mark Knopfler. My dad was alwayz blasting Dire Stratis, so it was the first real guitar music that i got into. Knopfler has his own style, and i love his playing. He's brilliant.

What was it like hanging around Zakk Wylde and Steve Vai? Are they normal, everyday people or are they the way they portary themselves to be: a hardass heavy metal due and a mysterious musical genius?
(laughs) First of all, they were both super nice. They were not egomaniacs. I was drinking with Zakk and he's funny as fuck but he's also a total badass too. Steve's quieter but also a supernice guy. Actually, i was kind of afraid to meet thm. I usually don't want to meet my heros, cause what if they're dicks., it could ruin everything. I'm so glad they were both so cool.

Wht's your stage setup? What effects do you use?
I use the same shit onstage as i do in the studio. A Lee Jackson GP-1000 preamp from the eighties and VHT power amp. I don't use too many effects, just a rocktron intellifex effect unit and a wah pedal.

What's up with that "smoke crack and worship satan" shirt in the HCDR booklet? Are you poking fun, or do you hit the pipe and love the devil?
(laughs) It's a funny shirt! Whenever i see a very offensive shirt, i'm compelled to buy it. Actually, my ex-girlfriend got that one for me. But for the record, i don not smoke crack or worship Satan.

What was your most embarrassing moment onstage?
We were playing a festival in Spain or someplace and were about to play the song "Hate Crew Deathroll." I was tryng to pump up the crowd by being all badass and saying " I wanna see a fucking pit with this next song!" But as i was trying to introduce the song, somthing happened and i couldn't get the words out of my mought. I came out as, "the next song is 'crew...death....hate.....roll." I was stuttering like a fucking retard. I felt like such an asshole.
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^Hey, Lady Laiho... but have you typed that exactly by yourself...b y your hand, I mean? Well btw, thanks 4 this interview!

It was nice... and I'm glad to discover that Alexi likes Mark Knopfler by Dire Straits... he's my first musical myth, I literally love his music and I would've never imagined Alexi liked him.. :)
Yeah, i typed it by hand. I copied exactly what the questions and answers said from the mag. I didn't re-check it but i hope there aren't too many mistakes. I typed it pretty fast.