COB Interviews

I'm still mystified by:

"I haven't felt this good about a new COB album since like... 4 years."

Oh and... "No weak songs."
Imo one good part in a COB track does not make it a good COB track. There's like 3 songs worth of COB standard excellence on this album in my personal opinion.

Well it's a good advert for the new album, saying all these positive flashy sentences, and playing the best parts of RtHaB on the background, then quickly cutting away before a bad part... Clever of course.
Ok, I think it's no meaning to ask, but, can someone find this interview? Or an idea when it was taken? I'm thinking about 2002 or something?
Can someone translate me this guy up from 3:30 he talks about Laiho and perkele :D
@ Sany

This is translation of the interview from YouTube, I think

First question: "when you were first called and asked to write a song with just solos in it, were you like 'okay, no problem' or like 'what the fuck is this shit?'

Alexi:"actually they didn't even call me, they said it right to my face, not even behind my back. No, it was more like a why not type of thing. It was just weird that a big label does something like this.
The only negative thing in my perspective was that I was, I mean I am, kinda tied up with COB at the moment cos we're going to studio. But after all, one song came up pretty fast and easy."

-Alexi playing- "now we'll record and it's gonna go right" (from the guy at the table)

Alexi:"well this song had some riffs that I've made for my own pleasure at home. Just recorded some guitarstuff-"

Nino Laurenne interrupts:"which you haven't approved to your own songs for COB!"

Alexi:"SHH!, let's just say, for real, that they are riffs that cannot be used in COB-type-of music. Like just guitarwanking..well, fuck, I'm talking a lot of shit, COB is guitarwanking. Well, anyways, that's not the point here. I had a few riffs but like I said before, I did this in quite a rush.
I had a thing that we started with and uhm..Tommi Lilman, a drummer I've played with for many years, I asked him to come with cos we can do stuff fast and effective and that fast the point here. Then we just went through the basics and the stucture of the song and then uhm..well I did pull a few guitar-thing out of the air even in uhm..even in the recording sessions. And it was fun and challenging for me because..
well for example some solos, I didn't have anything ready so I just played something and it was fun to do thing like this, not having anything ready. So it was challenging."

Somewhere around 2:40, Alexi playing. He stops.."I don't know" Hahha! "Let's listen to it"

Nino: "well the basic meaning of this album is not to make songs that no one can play. We've tried to get players that are from different kind of metalbands in Finland and if I understood correctly, I just heard, there's a karaoke version coming aswell. So basically all the solos are missing, there's just 2nd guitars, basses etc. and you can play on that whatever you want to. Faster and harder if you want to..or if you CAN."

Bald guy laughing, "Laiho had the best comment when he didn't get something right on the third time. 'Fuck..oh fuck..PERKELE! Aargh..what's wrong with them?! (pointing his fingers)"

Nino again:"they were guite fast sessions. Our goal was to have one guitarist per day. And this boxer thing was Euge who, after about half an hour of playing, started to complain about his ass getting sweaty.
Well, there's no other cure here but to take your pants of and the banjo in your boxers. Literally. And what could be more fun..or relaxing.

Alexi:"so it's the same leather-stool that I sat on..and he just played there.."

Nino:"actually I think he played just before you did"

Alexi: "alright..well that okay, Euge is alright"

Nino:"some people are connected by things but maybe this album is connected by mutual ass-sweat..and that can be heard"
This interview had a thread of its own for a moment and I commented once again how it's frustrating only people who don't know shit about this band get to interview them with no creativity and just googling out the questions others asked them. It would be interesting if I got to ask them stuff about the songs, albums and possibilities with the music etc, have some of our musicians ask about the composing and other fans who've been around over a decade to ask interesting stuff, and a few funny questions from fans to warm up the situation. Interview in text format like e-mail so it can be arranged and also the band to have time to think about the questions. But why I've little faith in this ever happening is it would be 'charity,' and all they care about their forum is Janne popping up a couple times in a year to make a restless post, but I believe it would be interesting for the band as well to get to think through the deepest questions about their music they'll ever be faced with. Lots of spicy thoughts about the music and also something about how the business has affected their doings in different ways.

I can only throw this idea in the air.
In my opinion they are sick and tired from all those questions and they answer automatically without thinking :D and it WILL be interesting if true fans get the chance to ask them sth, but, in fact, have you got any idea how much they pay those idiots to ask them stupid questions? They don't care about COB or about the interview, they only see money and money and that's why they do that. In fact, there is one interviewer in U2b- BryanStars and so far he interviewed BFMV, Asking Alexandria, BVB and many more and his interviews are worth it! He asks about the music and some mega funny questions that made my day :lol:
Unfortunately, I missed my chance to get a job in a local metal magazine (get the fuck outta here- you're under 18.... _|_) and in the near 3 years I won't talk to them, but I hope, that I'll get that job and finally do a normal interview (weeeell I'm still new to meta stuff but I'm doing my best to develop 8-))- new stuff, old stuff, compare!, sth funny- is it that difficult??
However, it's about time to do a back- to- the- roots album, whacha think? Can't they understand that ALL of their fans will enjoy it? Oh, how pointless is to ask them sth here- as Joonas said (wrote) only Janne visits the forum... I'll just go boxing with a friend of mine to get all my anger about metal and non- metal stuff out or I won't be able to stop writting :lol: