COB Interviews

I think he heard that question about the 1000000000st time.:erk:

Perhaps they should make a list with questions that shouldn't be asked!

1) Where does the name Children Of Bodom come from?

2) Do you have a girlfriend at the moment?

3) What sex position do you prefer?
(I got that from an interview:Alexi said he and Janne were once interviewed by an online porn mag without knowing that it wasn't for a magazine or something :lol: )

4) Are you guys gay?

5) How would you label your sound?

6) ...
Well I had some spare time, so I translated The Ilosaari 2005-interview. It may not be the most correct english, but forgive me, I'm just a kid.

"Honestly, VERY nice to come back playing in here because you all are always as fuckin' crazy as before. And it's really fucking cool. Besides the chicks in Joensuu are much more good-looking than in Vaasa."

Interviewer: "Alexi Laiho from Children of Bodom, you just played a gig at Ilosaari-rock. It seemed that the crowd was pretty good. And you seemed very happy, too. How would you describe the gig?"

A: "Oh well.. Why are you so surprised about that I was happy, first of all? I won't go cutting myself behind some marshall-cabinet. (laughs) Well, the feeling was good and it was cool to play. And... It's kinda the way it always is. Especially if the crowd is good, so... I don't know what would be cooler than that."

I: "So, today right after Ilosaari you'll be heading to helsinki, to play at Tuska. How would you describe the difference, since Tuska is 100% a metal festival and over here it's all kinds of people. So what's the difference between these two festivals, thinking of the audience?"

A: "Well, it's pretty obvious... Yes, Tuska is a heavy metal festival and this isn't. I think it's cool to play at Tuska, 'cause it's my home town and that's always the thing. But I like to play at this kind of festivals where it's different kinds of people. It's not like everyone are metalheads, there are for an example guys like you. (points at the interviewer and laughs)

I: "Do you ever have any time to rest? Isn't this quite hard, gigs every weekend, every day?"

A: "Well yes it is hard. I mean, if were honest... At least for those who really think it's just glamour 24/7, which it isn't. It is pretty fucking hard that every night you have to know that there are some people out there, and it's on your response that they have fun for the 75 minutes. And it's really rough to drink after it and.. But I don't mind. And actually this summer we were supposed to have some vacation, but somehow the festivals just keep coming on our way and before you actually notice, you're sitting in some bus again and like "oh fuck, we're touring again. Where was the vacation?"

I: "So yeah, the new album is coming in september, what's expected after it? Touring again, I suppose?"

A: "Yes, well, first we're heading to Australia, then Japan, after that something like a week at home, and then to U.S.A. for about six weeks. And again maybe a week at home, and then we'll do an European tour which will be another six weeks, back to Japan and another U.S.A. tour... And it goes on and on. Maybe we'll even get home some day, but.. I don't mind."

I: "Now let's check, a few fans have sent us some questions. And you should answer them. Paula Pääkkönen from Kuhmo asks, that what is your favorite make up-product."

A: "It's really that it is that some kohl that I bought from an airport and I couldn't remember the name, but the reporter lady kindly helped me with the name... Some.. fucking... Something that started with Y."

I: "Yves Rocher. Do you buy your make up-products from the ladies make-up departments or are you such a rough guy you use a felt pen? Asked Katri (something) from Joensuu."

A: "I do buy them from the ladies department, yes. But when I was a kid I used some felt pen or something... I just had to try."

I: "And Jenna Kejonen from Vantaa asks: Do you have any posters of Children of Bodom on your walls?"

A: "Hey I've seen the magazine already.. But yes, I do have, pretty much. A whole wall. White walls just suck, so I had to decorate it."

I: "We thank Alexi Laiho from Bodom and wish them a good gig at Tuska."

A: "Thank you, thank you. Thank you, thank you."
It may not be the most correct english, but forgive me, I'm just a kid.

:lol: :)

Thanks for the translation, Perkeleen_Penikka, the interview is hilarious. :lol:


"Oh well.. Why are you so surprised about that I was happy, first of all? I won't go cutting myself behind some marshall-cabinet." (laughs)

"It's not like everyone are metalheads, there are for an example guys like you." (points at the interviewer and laughs)

“…but the reporter lady kindly helped me with the name... Some.. fucking... Something that started with Y."

“White walls just suck, so I had to decorate it."

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
I translated this short interview from the Soundi magazine Jan. 2007 issue.

Alexi Laiho's year 2007

We were on the last tour for 13-14 months straight and played 290 gigs in total. We really ploughed through it with some serious fucking speed. There really wasn't much time left to be spend at home. The tour included 4 U.S. tours, European tour, we were in Japan three times, and also went to Australia. In addition, there were few gigs in Finland and a bunch of festivals.

The plan for now is to yet take a honest time off for January, but then we'll have to begin working with the new material. In fact, now it's the first time when we don't have to stress so much about it. We won't be entering the studio until late summer, so that leaves us with plenty of time. We'll have a couple of festival gigs in Finland and some other ones somewhere in the lines of Germany-Spain, but besides of those, we won't be touring at all in 2007. We'll concentrate on the new album and the rest of the year will obviously be spent on the promotion.

It's so restful now, that I'll probably have to go search for myself in India. It's just that it's the trip which no one ever returns from. But seriously, some rest feels very good right now. Especially when I've gotten over the thought, that: "fuck, I'm finally at home, all I want to do now is to just sleep." After that, it gets pretty confusing like: "what the hell am I supposed to now, what use is there for me on this planet?" Right now I'm trying to spend my time rationally making some new songs. On the other hand, I could do something with Kylähullut or something like that. And then there's, of course, the eternal question of the next Sinergy album, which we began recording over two years ago. That too could be finished now.

And yes, we're going to play in Dubai in May. The first time I heard about that it made my flesh creep and I was like, no, we're definitely not doing that. But then i understood, that I'll have to try that one out too. When you think about the globe, that corner is pretty much the only place, that I haven't seen yet. On the other hand, we've turned down Israeli gigs.

Translator's notes:
As you can see the interview is already a bit dated. The Dubai gig is cancelled because of Alexi's injury. Kylähullut album is already in the making. And the bit about India is a joke, in case you didn't get it. You can really tell that the band, or at least Alexi was really exhausted after the massive touring (290 gigs in a little over year!). So next time someone decides to post a message whining how COB never plays in location X, maybe he should think twice about that, because the band has toured as much as humanly possible!

Anyhow, nice to see that their working on the album and we'll probably have a new COB album in our hands this year / early 2008. Can't wait for that.
We'll have a couple of festival gigs in Finland and some other ones somewhere in the lines of Germany-Spain, but besides of those, we won't be touring at all in 2007.

aaah fuck fuck fuck fuck... there was a report that they're gonna come in Kavarna (Bulgaria) in the 6th of May.. and I was hoping to be true, but obviously NO!...... :bah:
Well they play in Germany but I won't be able to see them(this country is too big!).
I'll have to wait till 2008,I see. :waah: Well,there'sother bands on this planet.
Thanx for the translation, every piece of information is cool!