Thanks, that was great! I can try to translate it, but I dont have time this weekend, so next week maybe..
I was quicker

, but there is also pretty interesting interview with Alexi in new Soundi if someone wants to translate that one. He is actually giving out some details of his guitar/string/clothing deals and such
Roope Latvala interview: (in finnish)
And translation by me...
Roope Latvala – Return of the Stone [Soundi 6-7/2008]
Roope Latvala has been called the first guitar hero of Finnish metal. Roope himself laughs to definition. Main thing is earning living doing what you love, playing guitar. Roope’s main band is of course Children of Bodom that keeps him busy. But Roope’s first band Stone, legend in the Finnish metal, has come to life. Stone has promised to play couple of gigs but Roope doesn’t consider the idea of a new album impossible.
Stone reunion was planned behind my back when I was touring with Bodom, Roope tells. When they offered couple of gigs for us we decided to implement the idea because schedules were fitting. Nirri Niiranen also agreed to come along even he hasn’t been playing in seven years. Which I don’t believe, he was playing so well.
Stone rehearsed couple of times and everything was working surprisingly well even it was eight years since last gig and fifteen years from one before that. After playing songs couple of times with albums even old muscle moves came back.
- Solos I had to thing a little bit, but it didn’t take long to nail them Roope tells. Altogether two first Stone albums still sounded good, big enough. They have been recorded with care and there is deepness in the analog recording.
- We haven’t made any decisions about the future. I have already learned never say never. Everything is possible also a new album. I have some songs in my drawer that could fit for Stone. But great that at least this happened.
Roope admits that he hasn’t been seeing much other Stone player in past years. Children of Bodom tours so much all over the world that all free time is spend at home. For papers he has sometimes read news about other guys.
Everybody has followed their own path, babies have born and new bands have born. At festivals we have sometimes seen each others when Amorphis or Suburban Tribe has been playing same day with Bodom.
Stone has one more gig during this summer at Jurassic Rock, Visulahti, in the August.
Disco and Hip Hop to the trash can.
Children Of Bodom is busy. Next will be gigs in UK and Australia. After that they travel to Japan and back to festivals in Europe. In Finland Bodom is playing only in Rockperry in addition to already done Sauna Open Air.
- During the fall we will do headliner tour in US and then we tour with Slipknot in the Europe. Back to home for Christmas and then our own tour in the Europe. US become all the time bigger and bigger for us. We have been touring there seven or eight times and shows are well sold out. It’s not anymore that big bogey it used to feel like.
- I have to say that playing in Finland is always exciting because we don’t have change to do it that often. Speaks are in Finnish and its fun to meet lot of old friends at the back stage. It would be nice to do tour also here. Our crew is international so single gigs are expensive. We have been thinking that when we do next tour in Finland we should combine it together with European tour. Crew is already together then.
When Roope was asked to fill in Alexander Kuoppala’s place in Children Of Bodom he didn’t have to think too long.
- You can’t find better job or band very easily. We are going good, sometimes it’s rough, but it’s good when it’s done with feeling and style. Allu is star around the world, but that is okay for rest of us.
Alexi Laiho has named Roope as one of his favorite guitarist that has influenced him.
- I recognized some familiar riffs from green Bodom album Roope says. At that time I didn’t know Allu very well but I noticed that he had Stone stickers. I think influences were showing, but now when we have been playing together it has become even. We both kick each other forward and fight against each other. We get better outcome all the time.
- Bodom is pretty much Alexi’s band, so inside it we don’t compete. Allu plays melodies, sings and is the star. When we playing at the Sinergy it was competition. We were trying to be faster and faster. Unfortunately that band got stuck and album was finished. We will see if that material is ever used anywhere.
- If I analyze Alexi’s playing, he has chord understanding of his own. He is good at improvising also difficult things, it is kind of jazz, even though he likes 80s cunt heavy were as I like heavier music. Alexi much more rock guy, I like more massive stuff. Testament’s new album was good and now when we heard 30 Megadeth gigs during the tour that material became familiar again. I listen mostly metal; sometimes I get excited about classical music. Disco and Hip hop belongs to trash can.
Guitar polices favorite
Roope admits that Children Of Bodom is a band for young guys. HIM gets all pretty young ladies and Bodom gets reaper t-shirt wearing ugly guys.
And most definitely you will find guitar polices from our gigs. There is not so much difference between countries but between cities. In the Dallas there is always quiet waiting feeling where as in the Montreal house explodes. In the Japan they wait so quietly that you wonder is there anyone in the audience. But when show starts they scream.
Nowadays Bodom has so many mandatory hit songs that making the setlist becomes annoying. You have to drop out some of your favorite songs to fit in songs from new album.
- Its problem mainly in support tours were set is so short. Before this US tour we actually rehearsed two times. We know songs so well already. Everyone is responsible of his own part and takes care that knows what is doing. We are also lazy so we don’t change set list that often.
- Living in the bus is easy when you think it right. You just hop on the bus and let it take you to next place. Before the gig you drink couple of beers and play yourself happy at the backstage.
- In this latest tour we were free already around 8pm or 9pm, because gigs start quite early in US. I had to think what I should do next. Last summer we bough West Coast Choppers bicycles for all of us from Wal-Mart. When we had extra time there was possibility to drive around. I was reading from Lonely Planet guide what interesting is near by.
- It’s hard to say how much we drink at the tour. You have to keep balance. On the tour Allu acts like he would be at the home so sometimes I have to look little bit after him and his guitars like big brother would do. Every nigh is party night.
Roope Latvala has guitar deal with ESP and now he has his own signature model Random Star Roope Latvala. It has 24 frets and neck has been moved as Roope want’s it. Roope is currently using prototype of the guitar. Sales version is coming to the stores next summer.
- Stone gigs I play with my old Jackson Randy Rhoads guitars. Luckily I still have them and they are in good condition. They are similar to play as ESPs but sound is different. I’m not collector but sure I have got some guitars during the years. Amplifiers have stayed same during the years. It’s rather acoustic because I don’t use any effects. Little bit chorus, but that is all. When I got wha wha our guitar tech took it away from me. He said that it is too dangerous equipment for me.
Roope tells that sometimes he thinks making of solo things. At the drawer, or nowadays in the computer, he has songs that he would like to get to album.
- If I would start work on them, they would probably sound like Stone. Can’t help it. Those have this gnome thing you can’t find from Bodom music. And if I would do solo album from those song I might, just might, do the singing also. It would be kind of low growling.
Roope takes care of himself by swimming and bicycling. Otherwise he spends time either at the couch or in the bar.
- And now I’m working on with Datsun Z sport car. There is couple of them in Finland. Long head, back wheels below your ass and fast car. From Tampere to Helsinki takes one hour, Roope brags.