COB Interviews

So I have a new interview here.... ok not new, from the end of October, but I just finished translating it. It was a radio interview, and a Finnish one, plus they spoke Japanese, so this is quite shitty, and.... something. But please, don't blame me! They spoke their mother's language, so it was quite a mess...

YleX Interview with Alexi and Janne of Children Of Bodom

Veli: So, nothing else but <something in japanese>?
Alexi: How?
Janne: Um, it&#8217;s Japanese&#8230;
Alexi: Fine thanks.
Veli: How do you answer to this?
Alexi: Well what is &#8216;good&#8217; in Japanese?
Janne: Fuck, I don&#8217;t remember...Sugoi(?), sugoi is &#8216;good&#8217;.
Veli: Uhuh.
Harri: Sugoi.
Veli: What&#8217;s &#8216;Hi&#8217; in Japanese?
Janne: Fuck....Tampere. (Laughter)
Veli: Oh, I didn&#8217;t know it was that close...
Alexi: Sound like Japanese.
Veli: Sounds a bit, yeah.
Harri: Konnichi Wa!
Janne: I know one sentence, &#8216;My daughter is eighteen years old&#8217; or something.
Harri: Well how does it go?
Janne: <&#8216;My daughter is eighteen years old&#8217; in Japanese>
Veli: Oh, right.
Harri: Okay.
Veli: There was &#8216;desu ka&#8217; too! But that was &#8216;What&#8217;s up?&#8217;!
Janne: Oh, yeah.
Harri: Alexi, you try to be valid and tell something in Japanese.
Alexi: Something in Japanese?(pause)...Jaaaaaa....(laughs)
Veli: Well, perhaps...
Alexi: Hey I really, I really have learned Japanese a damn lot in there in all kinds of metal bars, but just try to guess do I remember anything at all.
Veli: (laugh)Uhuh.
Janne: Do you?
Alexi: Arigatou gozaimasu
Harri: Alright, okay... Um, you have Japan behind and Australia too a while ago. So how those gigs went?
Janne: Very well.
Alexi: Hell good, yeah... I mean this was the first time in Australia for us so we really didn&#8217;t know what the fuck was gonna happen and is anyone in there interested or does anyone even know who we are, but four gigs and and every single of them were sold out.
Janne: All of them were small places, but, you know...
Alexi(In a lower voice): Well that really doesn&#8217;t belong in here.
Janne: Oh, okay. (laughter)
Alexi: But, um&#8230;anyhow those were in Sidney, there was some place of 800 or something, then was two in a row and then was one place of 500 somewhere and then was one a bit bigger.
Janne: Yeah, but it was quite sweet you know because we hadn&#8217;t been there before and there were plenty of people for all the gigs.
Harri: Yeah, yeah, and Japan is Japan then... Japan is always Japan.
Veli: Anyways you played nine gigs in Japan, right?
Janne: One was cancelled, eight
Alexi: Eight gigs.
Veli: Why&#8217;d you have to cancel one?
Janne: (laughs) Well that&#8217;s none of your business!
Veli: Fine, out!(laughs)
Alexi: No, we had booked three Tokyos in a row, but that wouldn&#8217;t have made any sense, so the third one was cancelled.
Janne: Besides it was just some extra gig but then it didn&#8217;t happen.
Veli: Okay.
Harri: Yeah. In Japan your album went... was it 17th when it was published, so what it&#8217;s placing is at the time, do you have any idea?
Janne: Don&#8217;t really know, probably dropped....
Harri: None of my business.
Janne: (laughs) No, none of your business.
Alexi: That&#8217;s our private matter(laughs)
Harri: Okay, so then, by the way, in Japan they have that thing going on that there, you know, the fans give bands all kinds of, really really weird, you know, stuff and fan merchandise, so did you, or do you have again that situation that when you came from there your suitcases weighed two times as much as when you went there?
Janne: At least Alexi has.
Alexi: Well I just pointed out, that I can&#8217;t understand how it is possible that my bag was as full as a bag can be, I mean much more full than when I left there, but yet half of my stuff had disappeared somewhere. Then there was some fucking weird candy... some machinestuff that plays some songs and everything like that, fucking junk. Then some chick just bought me some... because, thus I need a new wallet, because it has been used up a bit. Then some lady bought me this, you know, damn small, you know, which you could think it would fit in some dollhouse, kinda flower...purse, you know, a wallet. I thought, that what the hell I&#8217;m supposed to do with this? Maybe this is a bit too gay(laughter)... at the end.
Janne: Yeah so, At one time when those Japanese fans were still you know, active(laughs), I didn&#8217;t have to go buy my own clothes, for example, when I received these packets in Finland all the time, that had shirts and jackets and stuff in them.
Veli: But those weren&#8217;t dollhouse-sized?
Janne: No, they were fine.
Veli: Okay...alright.
Harri: How about Australia, did you buy any nice presents from there?
Janne: Couple of kangaroos... and a koala.
Alexi: And a platypus
Janne: AND a platypus. (laughter)
Veli: Perhaps they&#8217;re all on the stage tonight? (laughter)
Harri: Okay, so now two gigs in Helsinki&#8217;s Nosturi, then obivously a little bit of break and then a moderately long amount...
Janne: A full five-day break.
Harri: Yeah.
Alexi: That are all full of interviews.
Janne: Some in London, some in finland(gives a laugh).
Harri: Oh, okay, yeah.
Alexi: Therefore not any kind of break, really.
Janne: No break at all.
Harri: Yeah. Well then a moderately long amount of gigs in Yankees and then after that more moderately a longer one.
Janne: Yeah, exactly.
Alexi: More immoderately longer.
Harri: More immoderately longer, and then it ends, um, the 11th of February to Tavastia of Helsinki, a day after my birthday.
Janne: Oh! Good luck for that.
Harri: Thank you.
Janne: You&#8217;re welcome.(laughs)
Harri: Um, so, you know, at least I would be terrified, when you look at the tour list.
Janne: At least I&#8217;m... fucking terrified.
Veli: Sure.
Alexi: I don&#8217;t know...
Harri: I probably can&#8217;t even count that far when we looked how many gigs there were.
Janne: We really don&#8217;t, we&#8217;re doing fine, but of course I said yesterday in manager&#8217;s meeting that some small break at some point would be cool, but...
Alexi: At some point you could easily start dying if that same thing continued, you know, that&#8217;s not... And then it wouldn&#8217;t have to be but only about a week&#8217;s break, And a break would mean nothing like this(laughter)! Except if, you know, really means that you wouldn&#8217;t have to go to some small office and do ten <something> in a row ,you know, every day. So you could just sleep and stare at the ceiling for a week, so that you would have enough energy to go to fool around.
Harri: Is this the longest tour you&#8217;ve had?
Alexi: Yes, yes.
Janne: Or the whole row is now 10 months, started from Australia and now we are touring for the next 10 months.
Veli: How do you... can you imagine at all, in what situation the guys of Children Of Bodom are at the time you&#8217;re back to Finland and play those Finland&#8217;s gigs in February...
Alexi: Well, after all, we have, during the previous album, we toured couple of years, so there are just longer breaks on principle, when we toured quite a damn lot, so...
Janne: Yeah, now these just come all at once in a row but I suppose we&#8217;ll do fine.
Alexi: We will do fine.
Janne: So at least, the playing condition must be hard when you just have played only three months in a row those same songs...
Alexi: You know at that point the band playingwise will be in a good state, but probably when you come back home you have to go to the doctors&#8217; and put the skeleton in change(laugh).
Veli: The basic maintenance.
Harri: Well which... if you think, you know... well, okay in addition to the liver, that kind of body parts that are at risk liability during that kind of tour?
Janne: Well, you know we have that,um...(gives a laugh)I don&#8217;t.... sometimes when we&#8217;re drunk we have so fun that.... we have absolutely great videomaterial from Yankees where we, you know, with Alexi, it starts from slapping, and everytime harder and in the end blood is spilling and falling into unconciousness and...(laughs)
Harri: Some Fight Club.
Janne: Yes, right.
Alexi: You know, just with love.
Janne: So if we didn&#8217;t have so stupid hobbies then all the body parts wouldn&#8217;t be so fucked all the time(laughs).
Alexi: Yeah, you know I had really, at the tours... well, leg couple of times, couple of ribs and now...well I had to go see the doctor, because...well, the skeleton was just used up a bit, so I had some fuck-ups in the breastbone... we had quite nasty... quite nasty wrestling match there in Tokyo, so....
Veli: I heard that... or I had heard that they make these rubber skeletons, so change that next time. You won&#8217;t have any problems with it.
Alexi: It would probably be a bit difficult to control, but fits to me damn good, especially when I&#8217;m terribly drunk, you won&#8217;t notice any difference(laughs).
Veli: Not any?(laughs) There, under the table it would be after all, in extremely weird position. &#8216;Made of rubber?&#8217; &#8216;Might be, yeah....&#8217;
Harri: (Laughs)Well, yeah, okay. So, today sold out gig, tomorrow sold out gig, today Yleisradio records for the radio and also for TV, does it, um, bring any extra pressure? Of course it does...
Janne: I&#8217;m damn exited.
Alexi: Well, of course it is, well not only that it&#8217;s our hometown, it&#8217;s just differend in some way after all. Perhaps we did bigger places elsewhere but it really doesn&#8217;t matter. I dunno, It just is like that, and then of course, well it&#8217;s filmed, so...
Janne: But sure it will be damn great, that&#8217;s just cool when they let under age people there so there&#8217;s always really jaunty atmosphere.
Alexi: There is, yeah. I think it should always be like that, because they&#8217;re after all the best...customers(laughter). No, but you know the best audience, because they really have energy to rage really hard.
Janne: All night long.
Alexi: Right.
Veli: With all the money.
Harri: With all the money.
Veli: So... Are You Dead Yet?-album was published in the middle of September. In Finland you&#8217;ve gotten gold, at least from this CD.
Alexi: Yes.
Veli: Went straight in first place...
Alexi: And from the single.
Veli: From the single too! In addition to everything... What&#8217;s the most stupid question that you have been... You have been giving a horrible number of interviews based on this record... what&#8217;s the dumbest question about this CD? Was it this?
Janne: No, no, do you remember that one interview where the interpreter didn&#8217;t know one word of America?
Alexi: Oh yeah, fuck! I was gonna lose my nerves there!(laughs)
Janne: Yeah he asked... &#8216;Hey, you&#8217;re both kinda good looking and sexy guys, so do you have any tips how I could put more onto my looks?&#8217; Then we looked each other like &#8216;No fucking way&#8217;!(laughter)
Alexi: You know really, that interviewer, didn&#8217;t speak English at all so there was an interpreter with us. But that interpreter didn&#8217;t speak America that much either, so it was some very fucking odd text what he explained!
Janne: Then he just explained some question like eight minutes...
Alexi: ... Then we were like, Fuck, don&#8217;t just know anything at all, then we just tried to explain something to that.
Janne: You know, didn&#8217;t know the subject, we didn&#8217;t know anything about anything, then we just always tried something like &#8216;Oh well...&#8217;
Alexi: The most annoying question that we hear in every single interview, not here I hope, at least not yet, that what difference is there between the new and the previous albums...
Janne: Yeah, that is...
Alexi: what the fu... listen! (laughter) You know, like really!
Janne: I started to use there the answer &#8216;same shit in a different packet&#8217;.
Alexi: Well yeah, yeah, or... you shouldn&#8217;t really... it&#8217;s pointless to, you know, describe this music with words, cause you do fucking hear it when you put in the CD player.
Veli: You can totally hear that it is the previous album reversed. (laughter)
Alexi: You clearly have listened to it!
Veli: Yes! Yeah... And I also listened the previous album reversed to confirm this.
Alexi: Found some satanic texts or maybe even messages.
Harri: Did you? You should know that.
Veli: Not much...
Alexi: But still a little bit?(laughs)
Veli: A bit, some kind of, but they were very slight.
Janne: Commonplace kind of... Get the gun from the closet and kill yourself.
Alexi: So next time when some dude from Pudasj&#228;rvi hangs himself at some fucking attic, we&#8217;ll be blamed. (laughter)
Harri: We watched, um... here from this awsome monitor your soundcheck a moment ago and we noticed that, you know, looked really cool, but we were just wondering that why is there a car on the stage?
Alexi: Why not?
Janne: Yeah...
Harri: Yeah, yeah if there is a possibility to put there a car on the stage, why wouldn&#8217;t it be there?
Janne: Exactly.
Alexi: It takes so much parking space there outside Nosturi...(laughs)
Janne: Just doesn&#8217;t fit in there.
Alexi: No, well not, um...(to Janne who is saying something) ...Yeah, tell us.
Janne: Yeah, no but I don&#8217;t remember where that idea came from, but in my opinion it&#8217;s damn great, I haven&#8217;t seen it a lot that bands would do that kind of action that one half of an american car is in the middle of the stage.
Alexi: The idea actually came when we were thinking that when usually bands who do a lot for their staging, that&#8217;s more like, you know, dragon head and some castle ridge there and... maybe couple of knights running somewhere... (laughter)
Janne: A little bit of icebergs and some...
Alexi: A little bit yeah. Yeah, so we were thinking like, you know, when that&#8217;s really not our thing, that we exactly wanted to make the stage look like some junkyard... gettho-, terrible trash chute stuff, you know like those fucked up oil barrels and some car corpse and, you know all kinds of terrible shit, that kinda suits this thing damn much better. Then when it was, you know, we happened to find out that it really is possible.
Janne: And it really wasn&#8217;t an easy project to build that kind of car, that you could bring on the stage, but...
Alexi: Yeah.
Harri: Did your gig start with you all coming out of the car?
Janne: Once did, where was it? (laughter)
Alexi: There were both of the door made that way that you can get in and there was also a fridge inside there.
Janne: At festivals, when there&#8217;s more space, there was the driver&#8217;s seat and then there was the fridge in the middle, where was beer, and then I have long breaks in the songs so I went in the car to drink beer.
Alexi: (Laughs) I at least remember Ruisrock like, between encores, yeah, um, the set and encore, we both went there, like &#8216;Oh well, let&#8217;s go here now&#8217;.
Veli: You have to get ejector- seats there so you could come out like that...(laughter)
Alexi: You have to have parachutes.
Harri: At the next tour.
Veli: That&#8217;s very good, on open air gigs it&#8217;s... fingers are little cold so you can go there, near to those barrels to warm your hands.
Alexi: Well to the barrels, yeah.
Veli: You have thought these things clearly quite far.
Janne: Yeah.
Alexi: Yep...
Veli: Yeah. Yes.
Harri: Whoah, did we have anything else to ask?
Janne: We aren&#8217;t quite as stupid as you look like.
Veli: (gives a laugh) Yeah, exactly. Yet. Alexi and Janne, thank you very much.
Janne: Thank you.
Alexi: Thanks.
Harri: Hey, we were supposed to ask that.
Veli: We were?
Harri: Yes.
Veli: Well ask then.
Harri: Tarja Turunen left Nightwish.
Veli: Oh my.
Alexi: Was that a question or a verification? (laughter)
Harri: It was a verification.
Veli: Have you already...
Harri: ...recovered?
Veli: Recovered from this...horrible...
Janne: I recovered from it surprisingly fast.
Alexi: I have been recovered from it before it even happened.
Janne: Yeah, yeah, actually, because I have heard these incidents inside the band, and...
Alexi: You know, it&#8217;s really none of our business in any way but sure we knew quite well what happened there and...
Janne: Yeah, exactly. Really none of our business at all, but you know... that kind of, you know... basic Mark-from-Argentina, when he starts adjusting, well then we are fucked! (laughter)
Alexi: Hopefully he stayes in those fucking jungles for the rest of his life, if you ask me! (laughter)
Veli: Alexi and Janne, thank you very much, for Children Of Bodom...
Harri: That wasn&#8217;t any of our business! (laughs)
Veli: ...for being our guest, this wasn&#8217;t any of our business!

And BTW, I'm not sure anymore, if it was Veli interviewing them. If it wasn't, credits for the other person who did. And for Harri too. God, it's long.
:) yeah.... so now I fixed (hopefully) all mistakes that I had made in that interview... I was quite tired while writing that stuff. Well, good if you like it.
Thank you.
The funny thing is, that somebody who doesn't listen to Metal at all told me about this site.
hey good interview:)

Henkka said:
It was funny. And then he ran through the stage to the dressing room and there was no toilet in the dressing room. That kind of thing happens when you&#65533;re touring South America.