Lanterns 1 girl in her cups May 5, 2003 4,769 53 48 41 East Bumblefuck Apr 3, 2006 #121 ^ WOW! He said "YOU KNOW" 43, yes fourty-three times!!!
P pahahenki Billion dollar baby Nov 1, 2005 446 1 18 Sturbridge, Massachusetts Apr 3, 2006 #122 You actually counted? haha. Thanks for the interview.
I_AM_CANADIAN! ŵG! Jul 25, 2005 1,139 5 38 Room 302. Apr 4, 2006 #125 Yupyup, thanks for the interviews everyone!
C COBHC Webmaster COBHC Webmaster Jun 25, 2005 423 14 18 Apr 11, 2006 #126 Interview with Janne:
oceanqueen44 Sofa King Cool Jun 20, 2002 1,037 9 38 Cleveland, Ohio - USA Apr 17, 2006 #127 Here is a New Alexi Interview:
Scorpia Pääskynen Apr 28, 2004 179 1 18 Moscow, Russia Apr 18, 2006 #128 ^well, as least he didn't say YA KNOW all that many times
P pahahenki Billion dollar baby Nov 1, 2005 446 1 18 Sturbridge, Massachusetts Apr 18, 2006 #129 Maybe there were so many that they got edited out? Nah. Thanks for the interview. coooooool.
oceanqueen44 Sofa King Cool Jun 20, 2002 1,037 9 38 Cleveland, Ohio - USA Apr 18, 2006 #130 you all are quite welcome!
Lanterns 1 girl in her cups May 5, 2003 4,769 53 48 41 East Bumblefuck Apr 18, 2006 #131 He did say "you know" a few times.. And thanks, interesting interview. A girlfriend is still better than screwing a different bunch of groupies each night and getting a boatload of STDs!
He did say "you know" a few times.. And thanks, interesting interview. A girlfriend is still better than screwing a different bunch of groupies each night and getting a boatload of STDs!
The-Petoniemi I am an egg Jan 6, 2006 1,001 12 38 not here Apr 18, 2006 #132 yeah, it's cool that he likes animals
Rock Hydra Feel the Strain! Nov 27, 2005 2,521 38 48 Buffalo, NY. U.S.A. Apr 18, 2006 #134 Karma In Black said: Here's my interview with Alexi: Click to expand... That's killer. I read the trivium reviews, fucking hysterical!
Karma In Black said: Here's my interview with Alexi: Click to expand... That's killer. I read the trivium reviews, fucking hysterical!
Karma In Black A Blessing In Disguise Apr 29, 2004 433 1 16 54 Chicago May 3, 2006 #135 Here's a catch up with Alexi; it's about future stuff:
The-Petoniemi I am an egg Jan 6, 2006 1,001 12 38 not here May 3, 2006 #136 Thanks, Karma! That was a great interview
Karma In Black A Blessing In Disguise Apr 29, 2004 433 1 16 54 Chicago May 3, 2006 #137 The-Petoniemi said: Thanks, Karma! That was a great interview Click to expand... Wow, I'm happy you liked it.
The-Petoniemi said: Thanks, Karma! That was a great interview Click to expand... Wow, I'm happy you liked it.
-[chop]- Sober alcoholic! Mar 1, 2006 7,821 62 48 Sweden May 3, 2006 #138 ^ ye dude it was great tnx....
oceanqueen44 Sofa King Cool Jun 20, 2002 1,037 9 38 Cleveland, Ohio - USA May 3, 2006 #139 Good Interview, Karma! Thanks!
P pahahenki Billion dollar baby Nov 1, 2005 446 1 18 Sturbridge, Massachusetts May 3, 2006 #140 yeow, candy store! wooo! haha. That was cool. Thanks.