COB OT - The forum that is not

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:lol: Whatever. Besides, why would I ban you? Also. You said I was taking things too seriously, yet, you make a thread about how much of a bad job I make.

Oh and you forgot to make a poll, asking if I was doing a bad job or no.

You also forgot to say that I was a fascist and that I was the next Hitler.

You also forgot to mention that I will be the cause of the end of the world in 2012.

Anything else I forgot? 8D

Edit: You might want to blame me for world hunger too, that's probably me.

:mad: ban yourself!

really, actually deron making nick a mod was the best thing ive seen him do since i joined UM
I've been around for 2 years and the only time this place was semi interesting was when ~blondie~ posted every 5 seconds. The only reason THAT was interesting is because she was probably a fake account and everyone thought she was like > god
Get some of those weird finnish words with loads of ä (like älykkyysosamäärä which I don't know what the fuck means but was the first word I found at google, :lol:) that freak me out :lol:
älykkyysosamäärä means Intelligence Quotient so I'm not sure if it's best choice considering it's phenom we are talking about :p

on topic:
For me best thing in cob-ot has been those badly photoshopped pictures. Some of those threads have been really funny. I find whining quite useless, if board is not funny/interesting enough make it funnier/more interesting. But honestly I don't really care that much, I get my excitement from somewhere else.
Get some of those weird finnish words with loads of ä (like älykkyysosamäärä which I don't know what the fuck means but was the first word I found at google, :lol:) that freak me out :lol:
Yeah sure....going to wonder about it :lol:
älykkyysosamäärä means Intelligence Quotient so I'm not sure if it's best choice considering it's phenom we are talking about :p

Hey fuck you!:lol: I actually got 115 in IQ. I think we tested it in Psychology class.

But due to this summers crazyness it has had to decrease drasticly!!!!:lol:
I enjoy On-Topic much more, to be honest. Off-Topic is all shit and giggles :lol:.

I just find what Shred did, quite stupid. His trolling worked like a charm though, but now he just looks like a sad little boy.
älykkyysosamäärä means Intelligence Quotient so I'm not sure if it's best choice considering it's phenom we are talking about :p


on topic:
For me best thing in cob-ot has been those badly photoshopped pictures. Some of those threads have been really funny. I find whining quite useless, if board is not funny/interesting enough make it funnier/more interesting. But honestly I don't really care that much, I get my excitement from somewhere else.

:lol: :D Thank you!

Hey fuck you!:lol: I actually got 115 in IQ. I think we tested it in Psychology class.

115 is like, average or just below average I believe.
We'll then im not below average you fucking nutbag :lol: Btw...i haven't done a full one yet. I got 115 in the short one though. I found the papers from psychology class. I was not exactly saying i was a genious either :lol:

On the short test there were the following "index":
>100=Below Average
100-115 Average
115-120 Above average.

etcetc...but thats just how i remember it. I would like to take one of those full tests though. I heard we get to that in some course of psychology.
Speaking of usernames. I have long been wanting to change mine because "The Phenom" is just so completely random and shitty :lol: On second thought i don't know for shit what to change to so i dunno:lol:

Change it to "Big Gay", that would be awesome :kickass:
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